Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Time Stopper

Imagine you can stop time whenever you want. What are some of the things you would do?


  1. If I could stop time, I could place Alvin on my lap, and by the time I return time to it's normal state, he's going to be cuddled, (mostly by my sister). He does not like being carried. It I could stop time, when I'm licking Ice, it wouldn't melt and get me wet and cold. I would stop time in the middle of me and my sister's argument, cool off, and be relaxed when the argument starts. I would also try find the snacks my mom hides.

  2. If I could stop time, I would bribably do it in a the middle of a game, when im a bout to lose. I would also pet a dangerous animal, because time frose and they cant do anything to me.The last thing I would if time frose, would be to geta bunch of snacks, and hide them before my mom came, becauese if she knew, she would be very mad.

  3. If I could stop time at any moment I wouldn't just go around stopping time well all the time. First a lot of people might say stop time rob something and then when you get far away you can restart time. However I would use my powers for good. If someone was falling or someone was getting shot at I could stop time and save them. I could also get people what they need to live in the hospital which would normally not be possible. These are just a few ways I could help people by stopping time.

  4. If I could go stop time then I would probably do not just one thing. I would obviously get more sleep so I would be more mentally healthy. Secondly, I would think before I speak just so I sound smarter. Soon I would be the best at all sports. Lot of sports are fast paced. If I could just slow down time that I could process the whole game. To be fair, having the ability to slow down time would have major drawbacks. Like you would feel isolated and lonely and consumed by your own mind. If you were happy no one would know and if you were sad no one would know. The advantage of stopping time is you are more subconsious of what you doing if you always are stopping but this can be good or bad.


  5. If I were able to stop time I would stop it when I let my brother get really close to the finish line in a race were I gave him a head start. When he is frozen I would take my time, walk past him, and wait on the other side of the line. Then I would unstop time and watch as he looked at me wondering how in the world I won the race when I gave him a a huge head start. That is what I would do if I could stop.

  6. By: Luciana Gonzalez
    If I had the ability to stop time whenever I want, something that I would want to do would be to binge watch lots of TV shows without time passing by. Another thing that I would want to do is steal some snacks so that way no one would know that I ate them. A third thing that I could do is pet my dog without him biting me. One final thing I could do if I had the ability to stop whenever I want is that I could sleep for as long as I want.
