Monday, October 12, 2020

One Event


  1. On Saturday, I went to the Mon Cheri Venue at Garden Grove, because we are having a wedding reception. We have some fried rice, lobster, soup, and fried fish, which was really good. And we saw a lot of people dancing. Cleary, the wedding reception is the place that I went there back on Saturday.

    1. The fried rice tasted like heaven! sensory detail & simile

  2. Cayden
    This weekend I went to church and went to my friends house and played avengers then we went to target and got paint and pumpkins then after that we went to a party we stop at another store to look for more pumpkins for other people but we could not find any and they are rich so we didn't know if they had any or not they lived in a modder day mansion by the beach on a hill they also had 2 houses inside 1 house it was so cool

  3. One event that happened was that on Friday my dads car wouldn't turn on. So then my dad waited outside to ask someone to charge up his car that way we can buy a mini charger. The charger that my dad got was actually pretty cool its like if its a portable charger for you phone, but you know it was for a car.

  4. max and his family came over to watch football. While they were watching, me brooke and max walked to 7 Eleven to get snacks

    1. This weekend my family friends,Max and Brooke came over to my house for a sleepover. I have known them since they were born, (brooke is a year younger than me, and max is three years younger). Brooke came over first and we took my dog and walked to Starbucks. That evening we watched the movie The Sandlot, which is my favorite movie but she had never seen it before. The next morning max and his family came over to watch football. While they were watching me, Brooke,and Max walked to 7 Eleven to get snacks.

      That evening we were hanging out and riding our bikes for the rest of the night, until everyone had to go home.

  5. Genevieve
    One day my brother was putting a black cloth on one of our walls then he put green spider webs all over the place he hung a doll in a cage and put lights all over the cloth . Outside he put pink lights at the top of the door and spider webs on the trees. The outside looks ok but the inside looks really nice. There's also spider webs on the ceiling. I love Halloween and the decor .

  6. Karen It was cold outside but I still went for a run. It was 5 in the morning and I could not go to sleep so I went for a run. After that i went back home and went on my phone and watched youtube for 10 minutes. After all that I went outside again to get fresh air.

  7. James
    This weekend my friend and I were playing because we were bored and we found new friends.They were all girls, even my friend.So at first they thought I was bad at the game which I think I am but people say i’m good but I don’t consider myself good because then it would seem like I am a mean person.Also we played some matches of squads then they all said I was good just because I killed a squad by myself because they were all dead and I was the only one alive.Then I died to different people and got second place and they were all like “you’re so good at the game don’t ever call yourself bad again”,then right after they said that I was like “i’m so bad”,and I laughed because they said don’t say it again.

  8. My weekend was very good
    I went to Skyzone It was very fun there. Then when we got done jumping
    Went to a place to eat. After that i went home because i was tired
    And exhausted. After that i went outside to play for a little then i went to bed.
