Tuesday, May 3, 2016

School Uniforms

School uniforms should be mandatory. 

Write a short paragraph to support this claim. Include two reasons or pieces of evidence to support. Be sure to include the parts of an argument.


  1. School uniforms by Genna Valdez

    School uniforms should be mandatory. Now and days students wear a lot of inappropriate graphic t-shirts. Another reason why we need school uniforms is because students wear a lot of over sized baggy pants (or shirts). To prevent this from continuing, let’s bring out the school uniforms!!!

  2. School Uniforms should be mandatory. The school uniform can help students from bullying. The students who bully can´t bully that much since they are wearing the same outfit. It is more cheaper for parents to buy. Unlike in thrift store like Target,Sears, Forever XXI, etc are expensive for parents to buy. Parent not only will have to buy expensive clothing but also the students´ supplies for school. If an intruder shows up, the school will know who is the intruder by the clothing colors. Students have trouble picking their clothes the next day. They take up to 15-30 minutes! With the uniforms they don´t have to spend half hour looking for their outfits the next day. I´ll consider some students
    don´t like uniforms.

    1. School Uniforms is the way to school!

  3. Yes,
    I think that school uniforms should be mandatory. I think they should because it saves the parents time,instead of washing so many clothes for you.They have to wash for you because you need to use them over and over. But when you have a uniform well, they just wash that and ta-da. Also when you wear a uniform well it stand out for what school you go too.Uniforms are very unique because of its school color. Some kids actually like them too. But even though some students don't like them they help your parents and maybe possible your school. Overall I think school uniforms should be allowed in many school!!!

  4. School Uniforms Aleah Doone

    I feel that school uniforms should be mandatory for many reasons. One reason is that it will help students if they are getting bullied for their style of clothing. The bully would wear the same clothes as everyone so there will be no judging. Also the parents won't always have to buy a lot of clothes for their child. It would relieve financial strain on parents. I think that school uniforms would change the society.

  5. James
    should School uniforms be mandatory. Yes, school uniforms should be mandatory in schools because the students might wear something inappropriate. They could have a financial strain and cannot afford clothing items, If they do then the school can provide a uniform for them. They should allow students to wear jackets of there choice but they would have to wear the uniform at all times when they are at school.Some students like the uniforms because they get free close and don't have to buy any so they can save up for video games or candy.
    Some students may not like the idea and will protest against the school because they want to wear something comfortable and cool not just some uniform. And they might not go to the school if they know that they are going to have to wear a uniform,

  6. Erika
    I think kids should wear uniforms because so people will not judge how the other person is dressing.Something else is picking out your clothes and that way you already have your clothes picked out because you have to wear the same thing.And if school uniforms were not round then people will be bullying other people and making fun how they dress that is why kids should wear uniforms.And when you get uniforms you do not have to spend so much money on clothing for the hole school year because it coast more but with uniforms it is more chepp.

  7. School uniforms should be mandatory. School uniforms are a lot more professional. It gives the meaning to society that are school is serious in education. Also it puts less stress on you because you don't have to look for clothes all morning.

  8. School uniforms should be mandatory. School uniforms should be allow because students can be bully by what they wear. This will lower the amount of kids who are being bully by their cloths.

  9. Yes,
    School uniforms should be mandatory because its would show that the school that they go to is well organized and is strict. Also It would give the students self discipline and respect. Evidence shows that school uniform help students to resist peer pressure on themselves to buy trendy clothes. Although schools thing uniforms should be mandatory some would believe that it is wrong to make children where something they might not want to.
