Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Parent Pride

What do you think is the one thing that you could do that makes your family happy?


  1. One thing that I could do to make my family happy is I could get strait A's and not get in trouble for the rest of the year. The way I would do this study hard, and read the questions more carefully.Also to not get in trouble I will just not get in trouble.

  2. Don’t try to be rich when you aren’t. What do I mean? Well...Many of us are spoiled. Now don't say you aren't because you are. So admit it. To make my parents happy I try not to be as spoiled. Many kids out there might even try the same thing. Unlike other kids, they don't care. Making their parents waste bill that are unnecessary. To some parents they want their child to be spoiled. Parents didn't have high-tech technology in there eon period. To make parents happy...DON'T BE SPOILED

    1. It's funny because it's true.

  3. The one thing I could do to keep my family happy, is to achieve my goals. They already know that I'm doing good in school, but they want to have big goals for me to complete. Even if I don't complete those goals, they would have at least wanted me to try my best trying to achieve my goals and to have a happy life. Whatever makes me happy, makes my family happy.

  4. One thing I could do to make my family happy is being able to be good at math. My family knows I am not very good at math. I think if I got better at math my family would be happy.

  5. Making Family Better

    This is kinda a personal subject to me, but whatever! My family trio is always trying to make one another happy. But, if there was one thing I could do is make all of us permanently forget about all of the hard stuff we've been through. My family members (including me) are so sad and stressed out basically all the time, even broken at times. I wish I can somehow take that feeling away. But, that can only be a dream. I could only wish.

    1. I know I got pretty deep, but this is the only thing I can honestly think of

    2. Its ok Genna no worries

  6. Family Pride!!!!
    The one thing I think will make my family happy is for me to be a hard working girl. Basically,study a lot,work hard,and set goals and achieve them. I just have to work really hard to complete all the goals I set for myself to make my family happy. Or I could just be a loving girl who still does all those things. To make my family happy I just have to work hard and still be a loving girl.

  7. What do you think is the one thing that you could do that makes your family happy? I like to support them in any way I can weather its a sport or something they want to do, I will support them. Making your family happy is spending time with them. I love my family and they show the same love for me. So if its something that makes my family happy its spending quality time together. We as a family like to go to places and save memories that are good. We had some very scary, funny and awesome moments. They love to spend those moments together. They always love to be together and each other. That's what makes my family happy.

  8. 3 things that I could do to make my family happy is not to ask for toys and get less things for myself.And not ask for a basket full of candy or toys.And get good grades and help a little bit around in the house.

  9. Well, if their's one thing that will make my parents happy, is by graduating from the 6th, to Middle school in the 7th grade. My parents are always talking about how I'am going to graduate from school. Until then, that's the only thing that will make them happy.

  10. James
    What do you think is the one thing that you could do that makes your family happy? Well if I could do something to make my family happy then i would make breakfast every weekend for the whole family. And I would do the dishes after ward so that my family doesn't have to.

  11. Yolotl
    Parent Pride
    One thing that I could do to make my family happy is to do good in school. Those good things would be like getting good grades in school. Another one could to turn in my projects and not get in trouble in class.

  12. I always ask my family "what can I do to help."Some people say 'Oh well you can do this or that." But most of the time my family says "Go to college." I use to not understand how going to college was going yo help my family. Then I realized that going to college is not helping them it's helping me become successful and have a good career.
