Thursday, September 29, 2016


Write a paragraph about responsibility. Be sure to include a topic sentence, supporting details/examples and concluding sentence.


  1. Responsibility by Andrew King
    Everyone in the world has responsibilities for their lives. I have my responsibility to finish my homework. Adults have responsibilities such as take care of their kids or going to work. Teenagers have responsibilities as taking care of themselves, Finishing homework, and doing their jobs. In fact Responsibilities is one of the six pillars of our school. Responsibility is something that can't be removed.

  2. Responsibility is a wonderful thing to have. How you can be responsible is by turning in your home work and classwork on time. Also you can help your community and school. responsibility can mean picking up after yourself. Anyone can be responsible if they try.

  3. Andrew Brown
    Hello everyone today i'm going to talk about responsibility. Responsibility is a thing that is achieved over time, like learning to ride a bike. I'm responsible by taking care of my stuff and animals. And that is what responsibility is.

  4. Jack Leong
    Responsibility is a word that means many things like taking care of your pets for an example, Cleaning up after yourself is responsible. Doing Chores is responsible. Getting your work done is responsible. Putting your stuff away is responsible. And even Making your bed is responsible. Everyone has responsibility in their lives and if they don't, I don't know what they do

    1. Responsibility is a word that means many things. For example, taking care of your pets, cleaning up after yourself, and doing chores all show responsibility. Getting your work done on time is also being responsible. Putting your stuff away is responsible. And even making your bed is responsible. Everyone has some type of responsibility in their lives.

  5. Responsibility is a bunch of things.You are responsible by turning in your homework,getting to school on time,completing your homework,and a bunch of other things.When you are responsible you need to be on task and on your best behavior.When you are responsible you don't be mean to others,don't be mean to your teachers,don't be mean to your parents.Be responsible in anywhere you are.

  6. Mia Gaspar
    Responsibility is a good character trait that many people represent. Being a responsible student is by turning in homework. Also by completing their schoolwork assignments. There are also things that you can be responsible for at your house. Sometimes you need to do chores or take care of a pet. There are lots of things we're responsible of so we need to do our job.

  7. Samuel Heil
    Responsibility is something that means you have to take care of something like your dog for example you need to be responsible to take care of your dog so you have to feed give it water clean up its waste and play with the dog every once or a while, so that's what responsibility is and I hope you have some.

  8. Victor Arellano
    Some ways to be responsible would be to clean up over your self another way to be responsible would be to take care of your self. You would have to take care of your self by cleaning make your homework in time. Another way to be responsible would be if you have to take care of someone then take can of that person. Another way would be to help your friends or family out or just help anyone who needs help. another way would be to follow directions and listen carefully. That's why everyone should be responsible.

  9. Responsibility is when you keep track of things and doing your schoolwork, homework, and not losing anything that you have. Especially when you borrowing from someone else. You need to get to work/school on time, turn things due on time. That's how good responsibility is.

  10. Responsibility is that you turn in all of your homework, studying at school or home, and getting perfect scores on your tests. Responsibility is a great character trait, not only in school but in your house to, because you have to remember to go to your soccer practice or games. In conclusion, responsibility is a great character trait that we should have everywhere we go.

  11. It's important to be responsible. Responsibility means you listen to others, you take care of your stuff, and you take care of your own problems. For an example you don't talk when the teacher is talking, you take care of your supplies, workbooks, and library books. You have to be responsible mostly everywhere, at home, at school, and in public. Responsibility is a big part of our life. As you get older you get more responsible.

  12. Tyra Polke
    Responsibility is really important. Especially, when you become an adult and have kids. You need to be responsible to be able to do life based things. If you were not responsible, then strange and bad things can occur to you in your future. It is very important. Lets use our brain and change our actions the good way

  13. Everybody in the world has a responsibilities. Kids go to school,finish homework,and maybe even do sports.Parents have to go to work,take care of their kids,and they also have to still clean around the house after work. That's what I think responsibility is

  14. Responsibility is thing that is fun sometimes and something you have to do. Responsibility is something you don´t get out of your mind because if you remember something you have to do then you have to do it. Say if you forgot to do your homework and your at school that´s not responsibility. Then if you do it when you come home school that is responsibility. There are many ways to be responsible or not.

  15. Responsibilty is a thing that everyone has it is like doing chores but not like chores we do responsibilty like doing homework and be on time for school ,haveing everything ready fo school and anything we do.responsibilty is in jobs to jobs help doing responsibilty lik washing the plates and cleaning off tables,taking orders too is the big one.repsonsibilty is in taking care of a dog to because taking care of a dog is a lot of work because you have to feed them and pick up their poop and you have to play with them so they won't be begging for you to play with them.

  16. I think responsibility means that people can trust you. For example, my mom trusts me with things. Another example is, my friend's mom says that I am the most responsible out of four people. Two of them are older than me, and one of them is younger than me. I think if you want to become responsible , then you need to gain trust. Responsibility is important if you want to be recognized.

  17. Responsibility means to be responsible for your belongings. It also means to be self dependable. Some ways you could show responsibility is by being on time for school. Or if you turn in important paper work on time as well. If you can show responsibility you can sometimes be rewarded for it.

  18. Responsibility is when people or anyone bring stuff on time and do homework on time. Am responsibility because i doing my homework on time and going to school on time. You know how being responsibility they will trust you.

  19. I think responsibility is when you turn in your homework in time or when you feed and care for your pets. Being responsible means when you doing the things you are suppose to do and do it on time. You also don't cheat because if its a major test then it will be in your records permanently. These are examples of looking at other students' papers, using a phone and etc. That what I think is responsibility is about.

  20. What i think responsibility is that you take the job and finish it and if you make a mistake you take the blame for it. My example is one time i had to take care of my goldfish i had to feed it and clean it's tank. Responsibility also earns you trustworthiness if you do the job good and in the right way. That's what i think responsibility.

  21. Responsibility.

    Every single one of us shows responsibility in different ways some of us more than others, it's about how much time and effort you put into what your doing that's how your rate your responsibility.

    Ratings of responsibility:

    Horrible~ you just guessed on your homework so that you could go play video games and make up an excuse tomorrow and ended up getting 0 out of 5

    Okay~ you put very little effort so that you could go watch t.v and make up an excuse tomorrow and ended up getting 1 out of 5

    Good~ you put decent amount of effort into your homework and got at least 3 out of 5 questions right

    Great~ you put in all the effort possible to get the best score out there and you got 5 out of 5

    Rate yourself on how responsible you are and see how you can improve.

  22. Responsibility is very important.For example if you have a messy desk you will never find anything in there.Doing chores at home is very responsible like doing the dishes, doing the laundry or taking out the trash or maybe even taking the dog out for a walk.You can even be responsible in school like turning in homework on time.It's very important to be responsible.

  23. Siana Seanoa
    Responsibility is a strong word. Responsibility means that you can be trusted to turn things in on time, doing your homework/chores, and waking up and going to school on time. Responsibility also means being responsible for your actions, taking charge if there is an incident, taking care of your pets and younger siblings is you have some, or even if your asked to do a simple task.Even though having responsibilities can be hard, set your mind to it you will get things done.

  24. Clarissa Diaz: Responsibility is taking care of your things and taking care of peoples things when you borrow them. Also being responsibility is finishing your homework on time, getting on school on time, finishing your school work on time and practicing your things before your test, etc. This are some things that make you responsibility!

  25. Responsibility is when you turn in your homework on time and take care of your stuff like if you have a messy desk you can clean it to look better.Help your mom when she needs help or walk your dog.

  26. Jonathan Lohr
    Responsibility is taking the consequences when something happens. For example, if homework isn't complete by the next morning, the consequence is sitting out at recess and completing unfinished homework. If chores aren't completed, privileges are taken away. It is responsible to get to school and finish classwork on time. Being responsible can also mean to study for tests and study for homework to get good grades depending on the effort during studying. That is how I think people can be responsible.

  27. Responsibility is not hard. just do the work they tell you like my responsibility is doing homework doing chores and taking care of my sister. the responsibility is like the six pillars from this school i have to clean and help my mom on the kitchen and picking of my sister. responsibility is like taking care of your Chromebook and your stuff from school because the stuff is not yours its the schools thats why be respectful to your stuff and other peoples if you barrow stuff from them. thats why be responsible.
