Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer Fun!

Choose ONE event from the summer and describe using sensory details. Be sure to include a topic and concluding sentence.


  1. The fresh mountain air tingles my nose and the blue sky looked like water. This summer I went to Truckee to visit my family. Truckee is a tiny little town located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe. I love to see all the wildlife while we're there. There's a bird that sounds like it sings..."CHEEESE-Burger." The leaves of the Aspen trees dance as the wind blows through them. It almost looks like the leaves are raining! Truckee is an amazing place to visit. I can't wait to go back next year.

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  3. never went on this website

  4. Summer Sensory by Andrew King
    I went to the beach in the summer. I could see the waves pushing against people. Every time the waves pushed me to eat salt water and its gross. The sand felt like tiny rocks but together. I was hearing kids laughing because they like the beach. I smelled food people were having. I want to go the beach when summer starts again.

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  5. Here's a little tip: A School President cares about everyone's problems. Vote me for School President!

  6. Jesus Lopez
    on summer i went to Las vegas to visit my uncle from mexico. las vegas takes 2 or 3 days to go there on the way to las vegas. we to a break and eat in n out. the burgers were good like cheseburgers then it smells good the food. when we went to las vegas we had to find my uncles house when we found it it was tall house. then me and him started to play.
    The End.

  7. Jack Leong
    This summer I wen't to Las Vegas, I had such a fun time that I want to go next year. I felt the fresh wind through my nose and saw everything I was going to do there. First we had some Yummy steak that I ate, it smelled and tasted really good. I heard screams throughout the place and wondered what was going on, I touched one of the slot machines accidentally and no one caught me. I would love to go to Vegas someday again, I really enjoyed my time there.

    1. That sounds awesome I love to go there.

  8. Andrew Brown
    During the summer me and my family went to Arizona, there we rented a hotel room and started to have fun. While I was in the hotel we went to the pool, I jumped in and felt the cool water of the pool. While I was in the pool I heard splashing and laughter. After we were done in the pool we went and played giant chess, I saw giant chess pieces and a giant chess board. After that we went back in the hotel room and I saw a huge cake, I later tasted the cake and it was good. At the hotel room i smelled coca cola and pepsi it smelled really good. The next day we went back home i hope we can go back to Arizona one day.

  9. I don't understand what you are saying Jesus.

  10. Paul Pham
    Once summer started i had to do homework like a lot of homework just to get ready for sixth grade.So after i would finish my homework i would get a choice to play games or go outside and play with my friends.Also what i did this year was play games but when i would play my games for so long it would start to get like very hot then i would start to sweet but i got us to it but my room was also very dirty so it was hard to get to the other room.I play at my dads house but i work at my moms so my mom and dad is divorce.

  11. Deena Salameh
    This summer I went to Disney Land. Disney Land is a fun place to go visit. I love to go on the rides there, they are so much fun. As I walked down Main Street I see parades passes by. As we took a stop to eat I ate a pretzel, it was so good. At night we can hear the 60th Aniversery Disney Land fireworks and watched,and watched until the night was over. I love Disney Land so much, I can not wait to go back there again.

  12. in the summer i went to stocken for a baby shower i heard music i went in the house i got my ps4 i pluged in the house we stared playing ps4 for the hole day.

  13. Victor Arellano
    When I went to OC Fair I saw lots of people walking around and lots of fun games to play. I could taste the delouis french fries. Also i could touch the stuffed animals and butterflies. Then I herd lots of people talking and yelling when they won a prize. I Also smelled lots of food like stake,corn dogs,french fries, and chicken. The best part was when my God Father won me a stuffed animal. I cant wait to go to OC fair next year to see my friends and family and have fun.

  14. This summer I went to the pier and began to fish. I could smell the fish bait that I was using it smell awful. I felt a bite and it felt like a ton it was a sting ray. I reeled it in and set the rod again i got a bite and it jump out of the water it was a Queen fish it jump up the pier. I had sandwich.

  15. Mia Gaspar
    This summer I went to Mexico with my dad.I hadn't been to Mexico in two years! Everything looked amazing. It was all so green but the sky is cloudy because it's rainy season.I was really excited to see my family, especially my grandma. I had eggs for breakfast and I watched t.v.I loved all the food we tasted there and the different places we got to visit. I saw friends and really enjoyed my time in Mexico. I can't wait to go back and visit again!

  16. Tyra Polke
    This summer I did lots of fun things. I went to Universal Studios. It was so fun. My favorite ride was called The Simpsons Ride. It is ride ruled by the characters from the show. It was so fun and scary. My least favorite ride is called The Mummy. I dislike that ride so much. I had 3D glasses on but had my eyes closed the whole time. While waiting in line, I saw gold and carved pictures on the walls. There were even dead bodies on the ground made of mud. I almost fainted while riding. The scariest place I've

  17. Emanuel orozco soto
    In the summer I went to mexico for three day's in a camping ground. In the camping ground there was pool's, zip lines, and a mini water park and there was a lot of people. I cant wait till next summer.

  18. Stephanie becerra
    My 1 event was going to my cousins house to go to go to the pool. i saw plants and stairs outside the pool and a huge tree. i tasted saltwater from the pool and water.i touched water and cemment and the ground.i heard my cousin splashing water but he was just doing it for fun.i smelled the air and also the water from the pool.that was what i did over the summer.

  19. Summer event. I did a of things in summer I would go outside with my friends ride around on my tricycle it is really fun.

    When I first got to northern California for the first time by car, I ended up in a valley. I went to a hotel and played games at the hotel. While I was at the Hotel, My dad played the golf tournament. It lasted 6 hours and my dad got 3rd/4th place.
    My dad got bronze medal. So He got dinner and brought it to the hotel I was in.

  21. Siana Seanoa
    In the early in morning we get in the car and start our seven hour trip to Shaver Lake. On the way up there I see many beautiful sites such as the huge lakes and rivers, animals, and huge pine trees. After the long car ride we make it there and when I got out of the car and smell the lovely pine trees.

  22. Jonathan Lohr
    An event from the summer is when I went to a summer camp at Orange Coast College. It was a chemistry camp, so we did a lot of experiments. I saw mixed chemicals and the test tubes would change colors.

  23. Gerardo Carrillo
    During Summer break,I went to my cousins house. His house is really big. As i went in inside i could smell food being cooked. My cousin and I are very competitive. My Cousin always play competitive video games and I hear the the games noises and it was fun so that was my day.

  24. Karla Beltran
    One summer day i went hiking. As i started walking I started to see more and more plants and animals. When I passed by the flowers i heard a lot of buzzes. I heard a buzz by my right ear then left ear then right again then left again. Later on I started to smell something pretty was salt! The salty smell was pretty strong that I started to taste it a little. After that I needed to pass by some spiky plants. So as i was passing by the plants touched me and i realized that it wasnt as spiky as i though it would be.

  25. Luis Corrales
    During the summer I went to play video games it was fun and sometime we want outside to play infection it is like tag it was fun and

  26. Hector Sanchez
    In the summer time I flew to Mexico to visit my grandma. While I was at Mexico, I went to some cool places like water parks, the aquarium, the zoo to see some animals.I also had a soccer tournament in the city of Guadalajara. We made it to the semi finals and and lost, but my brother won the championship. After that, I went to see another brother, and sisters.

  27. Thomas Reyes
    One thing I did during the summer is I went camping in Sequoia National Park.I could see thousands of Sequoia trees.I tasted warm marsh mellows in my mouth.I could feel rough bark and twigs that have fallen from the giant Sequoias.I could hear birds chirping and people talking.I could smell eggs,sausage,and marsh mellow.It was awesome in the mountains and I hope to go back.

  28. Samuel Heil. During the summer I went to on a vacation to a place called Carpinteria its a small old beach town located up past LA and toward north California. my Mom's family has been going there since she was about three years old so it is like a family tradition. It is very fun and the sunset is beautiful and the restaurants are good, i hope we can go next year.

  29. Jacqueline Cruz
    This summer I went to the O.C. Fair. While I was walking around I could smell all the amazing food like hamburgers, pizza, and hot dogs. I also heard the people screaming on some rides. The pizza was so good their. I can't wait to go their next year.

  30. Clarissa Diaz: One fun event was when I went to the beach. Smell the salty sea water.

  31. Allegrah Soueidan
    My Trip to NYC

    This Summer I went to a ton of different places but one of my favorites had to be New York,
    The Museum had to be my favorite, there were so many different things to do and see and each room we walking in had some sort of smell or sounds from that exhibit for example to the marine life exhibit and you could hear the sound of waves crashing and whales calling each other and the smell of sea salt really got the hold of me. There were also some hands-on exhibits like where we got to hold a dinosaur foot it was pretty cool it was huge. And I will not forget the newest dinosaur found it was at least 10 times the size of a T-rex.

  32. Kevin

    In the summer I went camping with my family and cousins it was getting dark so we setup our camping ground. When it was night we play games while me and my brother went to the river with some of our cousins and it was cold like ice on your feet because I was wearing my sandals in the river. It sounded like a roar of thunder it looks like dirty water!

  33. Meela Ly- In the summer, I went to Tahoe with my family. My aunt's parents own a cabin there and we go there almost every summer. Tahoe's fresh air smells wonderful like flowers,you can also see birds flying , and hear the oceans' waves washing up shells. When you first smell the air, you can taste how fresh the air is. I am so excited to go back.
