Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Primer Lesson and If I can stop one Heart from Breaking

What are the poets in these two poems saying about taking responsibility? Use details from the poems in your answer.


  1. In Primer Lesson its talking about taking responsibility for what you say to people. Some words can stay with a person for a long time, usually in a bad way. Then in If I can Stop One Heart From Breaking, she wants to take responsibility to be kind to people and make them feel better.

  2. In the first poem it relates to taking responsibility. To think before you say because it can hurt them. Take responsibility for the words that you say. In the second poem it relates to taking responsibility for caring for people's feelings. If you don't care for someone's feelings it can hurt them.

  3. In the first poem it means to take responsibility for your words and to think before you say it. For example it says “Look out how you use proud words.”And in the second it says to be kind and you will live good. For example it says “If I can stop a heart from breaking I shall not live in vain.”

  4. Primer Lesson relates to responsibility because if you say something mean, you cant take it back. In If I cant stop one Heart from breaking relates to responsibility because if you say something mean to someone it could hurt them and they not forget it.

  5. German
    The authors want you to think before you speak and take responsibility with your words because you can't take them back once you said them and that the words you said could've hurt somebody's feelings and effect them. They wants to not live in vain and live with meaning and purpose. That's what the authors want you to learn.

  6. Both poems have a theme of responsibility. In, "Primer Lesson" it shows that people should take responsibility and think before you speak. People shouldn't just say things for no reason if they are mean. They should be nice, because words stick with people throughout their life. In, "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking" the girl wants to help people in the world and if she doesn't she will think that her life had no meaning. She is saying that people should be nice and kind and not make someone feel bad for no reason. The theme of both texts is responsibility.

  7. MARK
    In the two poems the author are trying to show what taking responsibility is like. In the poem "Primer lesson" the author is explaining to Think before we speak because if we or someone says something bad then there is no turning back. In the next poem the author is trying to express that we should help others and taking responsibility for ourselves.

  8. These people are telling take responsibility and help others. What you say can affect other people. help poeople if they need help.

  9. the primer lesson and how is talking responsibility and the poetry is how you feel and how what you when through and how you felt and words can hurt and and aching in pain is not the way to go

  10. Jacqueline
    The first poem,Primer Lesson,talks about responsibility about how you have to be responsible about the word that come out of your mouth. When you say something mean to someone it can stick to them and also it can have an effect.It can hurt them throughout life. In the second poem,If I can stop one Heart from breaking,talks about taking responsibility about helping the ones in pain or need help. It also talks about how you are responsible for helping animals or people or just to anyone. In the end both poems talk about taking responsibility.

  11. In primer lesson you need to be more responsible with your words. In If I can stop one heart from breaking you need to be more responsible for others and help others too.

  12. Carrie
    That we should think before saying anything or acting.It would stay with them forever.Even if you are joking around the pain is still with them.Emily wants to help others as much as she can.Here is an example from¨Primer Lesson¨,¨When you let proud words go,it is not easy to take it back.¨Even if you forgive them the word can´t leave you.According to the poem ¨If I can stop one Heart from Breaking¨,¨If I can ease one Life the Aching Or cool one Pain.¨If we can help someone feel better.It can make them smile for happiness.

  13. The poem Primer Lesson is telling us to think before you speak,because it can effect others for their entire life when you don't even know and the words you said can't be taking back. In Heart from breaking by Emily Dickinson is saying how you can help others to be back on track and by helping them have a better life and not have to be in pain for what anyone told them.

  14. Both poems have a huge part on taking responsibility. In the first poem it has talked about when you or someone else says something mean and as soon as the words leave your mouth you cant take it back.It says ¨when you let proud words go,it is not easy to call them back¨. In the second poem it has to do with helping others if going threw a rough time in there lives.

  15. In both the poems taking responsibility helps people with their futures for they can not have bad memories about their childhood or any other time.Taking responsibility is helping other people not only them but it also helps u become a better person.

  16. In the first poem its about taking responsibility for and action. when u let proud words go u can never call them the other poem its about caring about other people"or help one fainting robin unto its nest again i shall not live in vain.

  17. In the poem ¨primer lesson¨ talks about taking responsibilities and what you said to people. Sometimes rude words can stay with the person for a long time. In the poem ¨if I can stop one heart from breaking¨ the girl wants to take responsibility and be kind to others.

  18. How you take responsibility is you think before you speak and. To not live in vain and you should be kind to others, you need to be nice them Evan though they are not nice.

  19. eyyyy its your boi samuel heil!
