Jizael In the passage, “Who created democracy there are many similarities in Ancient Athens to the american colonies. For example, in Ancient Athens the people were ruled by wealthy landowners and could be sold to slavery if they did not repay their debts. like they are both anger because of taxes and bills because if they cant pay them they lose a family member and they become slaves .for the american colonies the british punished the colonists, which led to war.for the Ancient Athens a guy named solon created one new system of gout clelsthoner formed the council of the soostrad in council.but for both of them system of gout. Was Questioned legislative branch.Democracy is somthing that we the people own.
Jared In the passage, “Who Created Democracy?” there are many similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. For example, the text states that the people of Athens and the Colonies were both angry about taxes placed on them by rulers. In Athens, the wealthy landowners got to make all the rules and put taxes on the people. If someone in Ancient Athens could not repay their debt, they may be sold into slavery and make them work for their farms. But in the Colonies they put something called the “stamp act” which was just another way of saying taxes because they spent so much money on the war. The british didn’t have money and needed some, so they made the colonists pay more for paper and other things and that's how the stamp act happened. The colonists were mad at Britain for the taxes and fought against their rule. Something that made the athens and the colonists more the same was that both had a legative branch which means that government writes votes and laws so they could see what to change. For example, in the Athens they had a special room to vote in called the “Assembly” and not a law was passed until it got to the Assembly. And know we have something called the congress and they don’t let any laws pass unless it goes through with the congress. After the Revolutionary America learned from the Ancient Greeks and Romans and created the three branches called senate,Assembly and the consuls
And know let's talk contrast in the early athens they made people only vote who were having a farm and making money and know we can lets people who are poor and a citizen and their vote counts.
Sharlyn In the passage “Who Created democracy”, talks about Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. The American Colonies had no representation in parliament. The British punished the colonists, which led to war. And the number or rep. based on population of each state. In Ancient Athens the tax debt could lead to family members that could be sold to slavery. The Solon created a new system of govt. The Cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/taxes brought to Assembly for a vote. To compare these two they were both angry over taxes and the system of govt. was questioned. The systems of Ancient Athens and the American Colonies are in the branch legislative. This meant that the Ancient Athens were both who made the laws, declares war, controls taxing and spending policies. Happy face
Mia Good Job Sharlyn!! I like that you used the details from your writing journal and too change it up a little bit you can add the years to organize it.
Aiden In the passage “Who Created Democracy?” There are a lot of differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American colonies. xBoth were mad about taxes. In the Athens tax debt could lead to family members being sold into slavery. In the colonies they had no representations in parliament. Later on there was a new system of government in the athens.While that happened the british punished the colonies, which led to war.They both questioned the system of government on how it worked. Later the cleisthenes in athens formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/taxes were brought to a vote. Now in the colonies a number of representatives were based on the population of the state. Legislative branches were the peoples votes. So democracy means ruled by the people.
Mrs. Wilkinson I like how you compared both Athens and the colonies. Try separating the information by time periods. Athens and then the colonies 1000 years later.
Edgar In the passage “Who Created Democracy” is argued who created democracy people is was the Athens others say it was the american colonies. But are many differences in Ancient Athens If you don't pay your taxes they would take away a family member. And in american colonies if you didn't taxes and you were in america they would stop sending you goods. The similarities is that the both agreed and taxes. In diferenca a man named solon created a new system called of gout in this system only the people with money cold have there vois be head even if you had a small farm you could have your vios be heard, but if you had no money no home you could not have your voice head. In the british they punished the colonies if they didn't obey the law which led to war. So in conclusion democracy is rule by the people. So who created democracy we the people.
Kate In the passage “Who created Democracy , there are many similarities between Ancient Athens, and Americans Colonies. Ancient Athens taxes dept could lead to family members being forced into slavery. On the other hand American Colonies had no representations in parliament, they were both angry about TAXES. A guy named Salon created a new system of govt, Salon made a new rule that you didn’t have to sell your family members to settle debt. Britain closed Boston harbor to teach the colonist a lesson,but the colonist did not like that because they had to receive goods and give goods. The text states that the colonist sent a letter to the Gorge Washington saying that they wanted their voice to be heard, but then they sent British troops to get their weapons. The colonist only saw 1 thing that could solve this problem and it was war. Then Salon was gone and his son was taking over and they asked cleisthenes to help defeat Hippias. This system of govt was questioned
Eva In the passage , ¨Who Created Democracy,¨ there are some similarities between the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. In the Ancient Athens they were angry because tax debt could lead to family members being sold into slavery which is similar to the colonies they were angry about taxes too because they had no representation in the parlement. They each had there govt questioned the Ancient Athens solon created a new system of govt. The American Colonies govt was punished by the British which led to war. A legislative branch was formed by the Colonies because of the number of rep. based on the population of each state. The American Athens cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/ taxes brought to Assembly for a vote.
Jocelyn In the passage, “ Who Created Democracy” there are many Similarities between Ancient Athens and American Colonies. For example in Athens Tax debt could lead to family being sold into slavery, In the Colonies they had representation in parliament. They both were angry over Taxes. Other similarite was that since Athens had solon create a new system for govt that rich people did not like and that the Colonies had the british punished the colonists to war. The system of government was question because people were not liking the way people from both places (Athens And Colonies) were standing up for themselves and making rules they did not like. Lastly the Athens had a new ruler Cleishnes he formed a council for ideas for laws taxes bought by assembly by a vote. This is Similar to the Athens because the had the number of republican based on people's population. In conclusion the similarities between Democracy is simple because its Govern by the people.
Kris In the passage ¨Who created Democracy¨ It states about how Democracy developed overtime. One is that they were both furious over the taxes. With Ancient Athens tax debt could cause family members being sold into slavery.With Colonies they had to pay tax to Britain for the stamp act.Secondly the system of government was questioned because solon created a new government and The Britain punished colonist because of that they went to war.Lastly they shared a Legislative branch because cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws and taxes brought to assembly for a vote and based on the number of republicans for each state they did that by population.It is different because when taxes started people got angry because they might lose their family so they fought back.Then solon came and changed the government ruled that slaves won't be sold if you don't pay your taxes. But they still didn't have a voice for the government. But in colonies Britain created the stamp act which meant the people had to pay taxes so that lead to war.But after that the U.S government made a legislative branch based on the number of republicans for each state. In all Democracy was developed
How did democracy developed over time? By Joaquin In the passage ¨Who created Democracy?¨ talks about how democracy all started with the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies, but first what does democracy mean? In the ancient Athens, they didn't have democracy and the word democracy didn't even exist at the year 700 B.C. They didn't need them at the time because the wealthy always had made the rules and because they had the system of government called oligarchy which meant that only a few people could rule, but many were poor and did not have the right to make laws. That is why they struggled to pay their taxes that the wealthy wanted, so they'd have to sell one of their family members as slaves to the wealthy people to pay their taxes. Over a thousand years later the britain king George the third had been in dept for paying an expensive war between the French and Indian War, but instead of being grateful the colonist wanted to be free from britain They had started forming assemblies not approved by the British Parliament, so the Parliament passed the Stamp Act, the colonist did not like it but couldn't do any to change it because they had no representation. In both cases they have no voice in the form of government and the people are angry because of the the unfair taxes.
skyler There are many ways people used democracy throughout history. In the passage, “Who Created Democracy,” there are similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. For example in 507 b.c. Athens formed a council 500 ideas for laws/taxes, laws started in the council and then went to the assembly to get voted on. For about fifty years the people ran the government by voting for all the laws. America needed to know who would be in charge of the government and they looked at the decoration of the independence and the first three letters showed who would be in charge, we the people. Something the athens and the colonists both had incommon is that they were both angry about the taxes.
Olivia In the passage “Who Created Democracy?” there are many differences and similarities between the Ancient Athens and the American Colonists. In the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies, their government was questioned and they had a legislative branch which had people's votes. They were also both angry over taxes they had to pay. The difference with the Ancient Athens compared to the American Colonies was that tax dept could have lead to family members being sold into slavery which was very big for the Ancient Athens. There was this person named Solun who created a new system of government for the people that were angry. In the American Colonies, they had no representation in parliament. The British punished the colonists, which led to war. The number of representers was bigger based on the population of each state for the American Civilizations. Democracy literally means “People Power” or “Rule by the People” which means that people have the power that can rule everybody. In conclusion, democracy was a very important part of our history and even to this day, it is still important.
n the passage, “Who Created Democracy?” there are many similarities between the Ancient athens and the American colonies. For example, in Ancient Athens the people were ruled by wealthyI landowners. The could have been sold into slavery if they did not repay their debt. They were not that happy about it. In the American colonies, the people were ruled by the British. Then the wealthy land owner got to make all the rulers and put taxes on people.they were angry about it.the tax Debt could also lead to familty members being sad into slavery. In Athens, solon created a new system of government. In the American Colonies, the British punished the colonies which lead to war. Then there number of reparative that was based on population of each state. Then the british published the colonies wich led to war. Then the british could not pay their death,then they didnt have money and needed some,so they made it with paper and other things. Then the solan created a goverment with three branover the idea that Britain thought it had the right to tax citizens who cof boston,philadelphia,and new york.then seeing the reaction in the colonies the british government repealed the stamp act in march 1766.but at the same time it passed the declaratory Act,it said that great britain was superior to the American colonies.then britain could raise taxes on the colonies whenever it felt like it.then after a couple years the war begins.then the Ancient athens and the american colonies,were both related because they both had to do with democracy,like the American colonies,they had no representation in parliament.and the british punish the colonies which led to war.there was also a number of repetitive that was based on the population of each state ould not vote for their representatives in parliament.the colonists stood this assault on their freedom by demanding that the king repeal the stamp Act. then they protested in the streets ches and one of the branches was called the legislative branch,and the colonists were not happy about it.then the ciithlnes formed a council of the 500 Ideas for laws then taxes brought them a assembly for a vote. Then
It all started thousand of years ago when people first began to live in communities and cities,they looked for ways to create rules and laws for everyone to follow.many of these early cities and civilizations had autocratic governments.Then one day the rich were only part of the oligarchy that ruled When.But then the Athens were becoming mad and angry at them.when they went to the market place they met and traded not only the food but stories of broken families.then the wealthy members of the oligarchy knew they could not fight the poor.they had to make changes. before Athens headed straight to civil war.then over a thousand years in 1765 derby was also on the mind of britain's king George the III.He has just bought an expensive war to defend his american colonies in the French and Indian war.instead of being grateful the colonists were aspiring to rule themselves,they began by forming assemblies that hasn't been approved by the British parliament.so parliament passed the stamp Act.that required colonists to buy a stamp and attach it to every piece of paper they used,from newspaper to magazines to paying cards.but then the colonists became mad,but not because the amount of tax but
The Athens were similar to the colonies because they both had questionable governments. For example, the Athens decided to enslave families who were in debt. Also, the colonies made everyone pay taxes for stamps to use anysort of paper. Also, they both found solutions to their problems. The Athens found a solution by making a new law for not so rich people to be able to have their idea be heard if they have a farm. The colonies solved it by breaking off of the British people and make their own laws. Democracy is a way people can come up of laws together.
Darryl How did democracy change over time? To answer that question, we got to go back to the past. It all started with the Athenians. The social system of Athenia was the rich people made the laws and everyone else who let's say the poor had to obey the laws. Later the poor of Athenia were angry with the rich and were about to start a war and the rich knew they couldn't stop them so a guy Solom created a new government to solve the problem. Some time later, the Cleisthenes wanted to make a government run by the people so the held a vote and finally got what they wanted. Some time later, the American colonists were angry with King George the 3rd because he had just created the stamp act which ordered people to pay for a stamp and put it on any piece of paper they have. The people were angry and started a riot. During that time, the Revolutionary War had begun. Then they created the three branches, executive, legislative, and the judicial branch. So who created democracy, the Greeks, and we can finally have power.
Thanh:Democracy can be translated to “people power”or “rule by people”. Thousands of years ago, peoples in Athens wanted to made the rule for everyone follow. In Athens rich landowners relaxed on enormous estates. Their fields attended to by slave. And they made the rules for everyone else. But most of Athenians not rich. If they could not pay their taxes they were forced to borrow money. If they couldn’t pay back their debts, family members were often sold into slavery. By 630 B.C. poor people of Athens were becoming angry. Rich peoples knew they could not fight the poor. They need to changes before Athens headed straight for a civil war. Over thousands years later, in 1765, debts was also on the mind of Britain’s King George. They had no representation in parliament. Britain thought it had right to tax citizens who could vote for their representatives in Parliament. And the colonies chose to stood up for freedom. Soon anger in !3 American colonies began bubble over. If they didn’t have a vote in Britain’s Parliament, why should they follow the laws that it approved? The whisper of war were passed across America. Both of they also angry with the tax. Turn back to Athens, by 600 B.C the situation in Athen was also spinning out of control. The wealthy landowners knew they had to find a way to make the city quiet. They turn to the man named Solon help. First Solon change the debtor’s laws. Athenians would not longer have to sell family members into slavery to settle debts. Then He divided citizens into four classes based on how much their farms produced. In new system, people in the first three class were able to run for government office. But the wealthy were not happy for share power, and the lowest class still could not participate in government and make laws. The British punished the colonies, they wanted to seize colonial weapons that had been stored there. A small group of colonie met british army, the British said they needed to drop their weapons and leave. Sunddenly, when coloniststs turned to go, a shot rang out. The Revolutionary War had begun. Long time passed in Athens, one man named Cleisthenes wanted a government run by people, and made sweeping changes
Ryan In the passage, “Who Created Democracy,” there are many similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the Colonies of America. For example, Ancient Athens created a new system of government. The idea of laws taxes brought to a assemble for vote. Another reason is the american colonies had no representation in parliament so they had no control of britain. Also based on the number of representatives in a population of each state can cause the amount of votes. One thing that is the same is that since the American colonies aren't paying the taxes the british are angry so they say If you don't pay your taxes we will put your children for slaves. But then the American colonist fought back but the british told them to put there guns down so they but one person shit there gun but no one knows who shot it.
Peter The Athens were similar to the colonies because they both had questionable governments. For example, the Athens decided to enslave families who were in debt. Also, the colonies made everyone pay taxes for stamps to use anysort of paper. Also, they both found solutions to their problems. The Athens found a solution by making a new law for not so rich people to be able to have their idea be heard if they have a farm. The colonies solved it by breaking off of the British people and make their own laws. Democracy is a way people can come up of laws together.
Natalie In the passage, “Who Created Democracy?”, it explains the origin of democracy and how it’s evolved during the years. Democracy is a form of government which the people take part in governing themselves. Let’s talk about the differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American Colony. There are differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American colony. Many differences, but many similarities, too. In Ancient Athens, tax debt could have lead to family members being sold into slavery. They’d do that since people needed slaves, so if people didn’t pay for their taxes, they’d have a family member sold into slavery. In 594 B.C., they turned to a man named Solon for help since in 600 B.C. the Athens were out of control. Solon tried fixing the problem by creating a new system of government. He divided citizens in four classes based on how much their farms produced. Not many people liked what he done, mainly the wealthy. They didn’t want to share power. Low classes still couldn’t participate in government and make laws. In 561 B.C., a man sent troops to Athens. After the man took over a city from Solon, they had removed Hippias from power. They soon asked a man named Cleisthenes for his ideas for a new government. He formed Council of the 500 for ideas for laws/taxes to be brought to the Assembly for a vote. Now onto the American Colony. They had no representation in parliament. They soon after demanded that the king repeal the Stamp Act. The British would punish the colonists which soon led to war. They would have a number of representatives based on population of each state (not the size, just the amount of people who live in the state).
Mia I bet you're wondering who created “Democracy” Well, I’ll tell you that it wasn’t just one person. There were groups of people like The Ancient Athens and American Colonies. There are many similarities and differences in Ancient Athens similar to the American Colonies. First of all, both of them were mad about taxes. For example, if the Ancient Athens could not not pay their taxes, it could lead to family members being sold to slavery. While the American Colonists had no representation in parliament. Luckily Solon, a landowner changed the debtors laws. Athenians would no longer have to sell family members into slavery to settle debts. He also divided citizens in classes similar like the egyptian pyramid. Many people liked his idea, but not everyone. And next thing you know the British punished the colonists, which led to war. As the British army marched toward the Lexington, Massachusetts, a british officer ordered to drop their weapons and leave. The colonists turned to go, a shot ran out. The Revolutionary War had begun. Both of the groups questioned the system of government and both had Legislative Branch, which had peoples votes. Another important person named Cleisthenes formed council of 500 ideas for laws/taxes brought to assembly for a vote. In 1783 after 8 years of fighting, the British surrendered and government ruled by the people finally became a reality in America. The senate would have the same number of representatives would be chosen based on population of their state. Now that you have all those interesting facts and detail you should have an idea of how democracy was developed. It began when the Ancient Greeks and Romans tried to answer the question,”Who should be in charge of government.” The writers of the U.S. Constitution answered the question in the first three words: We the people.
Ashley In the passage,”Who Created Democracy”,the text talks about how the Ancient Athens and the American Colonists governments were both handled.In the text it states how the American Colonies had no representation in parliament,the British punished the colonists which led them to war and the number of republicans were based on the population of each state.Another thing the text states is the Ancient Athens had tax debt which could lead into family members being sold into slavery, how Solon created a new system of govenment and the Cleisthenes formed a council of the 500 ideas for laws and taxes which brought to an assembly for a vote.Some of the similarities the governments have together are they both got angry over the taxes and there system of government was questioned. Democracy has changed over the years and now we have the three branches called the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch because the ancient greeks and romans tried to answer the question who should be in charged of government.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage, “Who created democracy there are many similarities in Ancient Athens to the american colonies. For example, in Ancient Athens the people were ruled by wealthy landowners and could be sold to slavery if they did not repay their debts. like they are both anger because of taxes and bills because if they cant pay them they lose a family member and they become slaves .for the american colonies the british punished the colonists, which led to war.for the Ancient Athens a guy named solon created one new system of gout clelsthoner formed the council of the soostrad in council.but for both of them system of gout. Was Questioned legislative branch.Democracy is somthing that we the people own.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage, “Who Created Democracy?” there are many similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. For example, the text states that the people of Athens and the Colonies were both angry about taxes placed on them by rulers. In Athens, the wealthy landowners got to make all the rules and put taxes on the people. If someone in Ancient Athens could not repay their debt, they may be sold into slavery and make them work for their farms. But in the Colonies they put something called the “stamp act” which was just another way of saying taxes because they spent so much money on the war. The british didn’t have money and needed some, so they made the colonists pay more for paper and other things and that's how the stamp act happened. The colonists were mad at Britain for the taxes and fought against their rule.
Something that made the athens and the colonists more the same was that both had a legative branch which means that government writes votes and laws so they could see what to change. For example, in the Athens they had a special room to vote in called the “Assembly” and not a law was passed until it got to the Assembly. And know we have something called the congress and they don’t let any laws pass unless it goes through with the congress. After the Revolutionary America learned from the Ancient Greeks and Romans and created the three branches called senate,Assembly and the consuls
And know let's talk contrast in the early athens they made people only vote who were having a farm and making money and know we can lets people who are poor and a citizen and their vote counts.
DeleteI liked your article.
It was detailed.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage “Who Created democracy”, talks about Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. The American Colonies had no representation in parliament. The British punished the colonists, which led to war. And the number or rep. based on population of each state. In Ancient Athens the tax debt could lead to family members that could be sold to slavery. The Solon created a new system of govt. The Cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/taxes brought to Assembly for a vote. To compare these two they were both angry over taxes and the system of govt. was questioned. The systems of Ancient Athens and the American Colonies are in the branch legislative. This meant that the Ancient Athens were both who made the laws, declares war, controls taxing and spending policies. Happy face
DeleteMaybe you could put them in order or tell a specific fact about what they did
DeleteGood Job Sharlyn!! I like that you used the details from your writing journal and too change it up a little bit you can add the years to organize it.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage “Who Created Democracy?” There are a lot of differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American colonies. xBoth were mad about taxes. In the Athens tax debt could lead to family members being sold into slavery. In the colonies they had no representations in parliament. Later on there was a new system of government in the athens.While that happened the british punished the colonies, which led to war.They both questioned the system of government on how it worked. Later the cleisthenes in athens formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/taxes were brought to a vote. Now in the colonies a number of representatives were based on the population of the state. Legislative branches were the peoples votes. So democracy means ruled by the people.
Mrs. Wilkinson
DeleteI like how you compared both Athens and the colonies. Try separating the information by time periods. Athens and then the colonies 1000 years later.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage “Who Created Democracy” is argued who created democracy people is was the Athens others say it was the american colonies. But are many differences in Ancient Athens If you don't pay your taxes they would take away a family member. And in american colonies if you didn't taxes and you were in america they would stop sending you goods. The similarities is that the both agreed and taxes. In diferenca a man named solon created a new system called of gout in this system only the people with money cold have there vois be head even if you had a small farm you could have your vios be heard, but if you had no money no home you could not have your voice head. In the british they punished the colonies if they didn't obey the law which led to war. So in conclusion democracy is rule by the people. So who created democracy we the people.
Deleteyou should change your ending because you could move the last sentence to the begging.
Aiden it's amazing just you should put your last sentence to the begining
DeleteI like the compare and contrast.Also try to put dates
Kate In the passage “Who created Democracy , there are many similarities between Ancient Athens, and Americans Colonies. Ancient Athens taxes dept could lead to family members being forced into slavery. On the other hand American Colonies had no representations in parliament, they were both angry about TAXES. A guy named Salon created a new system of govt, Salon made a new rule that you didn’t have to sell your family members to settle debt. Britain closed Boston harbor to teach the colonist a lesson,but the colonist did not like that because they had to receive goods and give goods. The text states that the colonist sent a letter to the Gorge Washington saying that they wanted their voice to be heard, but then they sent British troops to get their weapons. The colonist only saw 1 thing that could solve this problem and it was war. Then Salon was gone and his son was taking over and they asked cleisthenes to help defeat Hippias. This system of govt was questioned
DeleteI like how you mentioned different people other then the Athens and the Colonies.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage , ¨Who Created Democracy,¨ there are some similarities between the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. In the Ancient Athens they were angry because tax debt could lead to family members being sold into slavery which is similar to the colonies they were angry about taxes too because they had no representation in the parlement. They each had there govt questioned the Ancient Athens solon created a new system of govt. The American Colonies govt was punished by the British which led to war. A legislative branch was formed by the Colonies because of the number of rep. based on the population of each state. The American Athens cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws/ taxes brought to Assembly for a vote.
I like how you compared and contrast in your writing
DeleteI liked your article is was fabulous
ReplyDeleteIn the passage, “ Who Created Democracy” there are many Similarities between Ancient Athens and American Colonies. For example in Athens Tax debt could lead to family being sold into slavery, In the Colonies they had representation in parliament. They both were angry over Taxes. Other similarite was that since Athens had solon create a new system for govt that rich people did not like and that the Colonies had the british punished the colonists to war. The system of government was question because people were not liking the way people from both places (Athens And Colonies) were standing up for themselves and making rules they did not like.
Lastly the Athens had a new ruler Cleishnes he formed a council for ideas for laws taxes bought by assembly by a vote. This is Similar to the Athens because the had the number of republican based on people's population. In conclusion the similarities between Democracy is simple because its Govern by the people.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage ¨Who created Democracy¨ It states about how Democracy developed overtime. One is that they were both furious over the taxes. With Ancient Athens tax debt could cause family members being sold into slavery.With Colonies they had to pay tax to Britain for the stamp act.Secondly the system of government was questioned because solon created a new government and The Britain punished colonist because of that they went to war.Lastly they shared a Legislative branch because cleisthenes formed council of the 500 ideas for laws and taxes brought to assembly for a vote and based on the number of republicans for each state they did that by population.It is different because when taxes started people got angry because they might lose their family so they fought back.Then solon came and changed the government ruled that slaves won't be sold if you don't pay your taxes. But they still didn't have a voice for the government. But in colonies Britain created the stamp act which meant the people had to pay taxes so that lead to war.But after that the U.S government made a legislative branch based on the number of republicans for each state. In all Democracy was developed
How did democracy developed over time?
ReplyDeleteBy Joaquin
In the passage ¨Who created Democracy?¨ talks about how democracy all started with the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies, but first what does democracy mean?
In the ancient Athens, they didn't have democracy and the word democracy didn't even exist at the year 700 B.C. They didn't need them at the time because the wealthy always had made the rules and because they had the system of government called oligarchy which meant that only a few people could rule, but many were poor and did not have the right to make laws. That is why they struggled to pay their taxes that the wealthy wanted, so they'd have to sell one of their family members as slaves to the wealthy people to pay their taxes.
Over a thousand years later the britain king George the third had been in dept for paying an expensive war between the French and Indian War, but instead of being grateful the colonist wanted to be free from britain They had started forming assemblies not approved by the British Parliament, so the Parliament passed the Stamp Act, the colonist did not like it but couldn't do any to change it because they had no representation.
In both cases they have no voice in the form of government and the people are angry because of the the unfair taxes.
ReplyDeleteThere are many ways people used democracy throughout history. In the passage, “Who Created Democracy,” there are similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the American Colonies. For example in 507 b.c. Athens formed a council 500 ideas for laws/taxes, laws started in the council and then went to the assembly to get voted on. For about fifty years the people ran the government by voting for all the laws. America needed to know who would be in charge of the government and they looked at the decoration of the independence and the first three letters showed who would be in charge, we the people. Something the athens and the colonists both had incommon is that they were both angry about the taxes.
I like how you get right in to the main idea
DeleteYou got to the point of the story but also try to add a little bit more.
DeleteRyan I really like how you used stuff in the passage to make your writing easier
ReplyDeleteIn the passage “Who Created Democracy?” there are many differences and similarities between the Ancient Athens and the American Colonists. In the Ancient Athens and the American Colonies, their government was questioned and they had a legislative branch which had people's votes. They were also both angry over taxes they had to pay. The difference with the Ancient Athens compared to the American Colonies was that tax dept could have lead to family members being sold into slavery which was very big for the Ancient Athens. There was this person named Solun who created a new system of government for the people that were angry. In the American Colonies, they had no representation in parliament. The British punished the colonists, which led to war. The number of representers was bigger based on the population of each state for the American Civilizations. Democracy literally means “People Power” or “Rule by the People” which means that people have the power that can rule everybody. In conclusion, democracy was a very important part of our history and even to this day, it is still important.
n the passage, “Who Created Democracy?” there are many similarities between the Ancient athens and the American colonies. For example, in Ancient Athens the people were ruled by wealthyI landowners. The could have been sold into slavery if they did not repay their debt. They were not that happy about it. In the American colonies, the people were ruled by the British. Then the wealthy land owner got to make all the rulers and put taxes on people.they were angry about it.the tax Debt could also lead to familty members being sad into slavery.
ReplyDeleteIn Athens, solon created a new system of government. In the American Colonies, the British punished the colonies which lead to war. Then there number of reparative that was based on population of each state. Then the british published the colonies wich led to war. Then the british could not pay their death,then they didnt have money and needed some,so they made it with paper and other things. Then the solan created a goverment with three branover the idea that Britain thought it had the right to tax citizens who cof boston,philadelphia,and new york.then seeing the reaction in the colonies the british government repealed the stamp act in march 1766.but at the same time it passed the declaratory Act,it said that great britain was superior to the American colonies.then britain could raise taxes on the colonies whenever it felt like it.then after a couple years the war begins.then the Ancient athens and the american colonies,were both related because they both had to do with democracy,like the American colonies,they had no representation in parliament.and the british punish the colonies which led to war.there was also a number of repetitive that was based on the population of each state
ould not vote for their representatives in parliament.the colonists stood this assault on their freedom by demanding that the king repeal the stamp Act. then they protested in the streets ches and one of the branches was called the legislative branch,and the colonists were not happy about it.then the ciithlnes formed a council of the 500 Ideas for laws then taxes brought them a assembly for a vote. Then
It all started thousand of years ago when people first began to live in communities and cities,they looked for ways to create rules and laws for everyone to follow.many of these early cities and civilizations had autocratic governments.Then one day the rich were only part of the oligarchy that ruled When.But then the Athens were becoming mad and angry at them.when they went to the market place they met and traded not only the food but stories of broken families.then the wealthy members of the oligarchy knew they could not fight the poor.they had to make changes. before Athens headed straight to civil war.then over a thousand years in 1765 derby was also on the mind of britain's king George the III.He has just bought an expensive war to defend his american colonies in the French and Indian war.instead of being grateful the colonists were aspiring to rule themselves,they began by forming assemblies that hasn't been approved by the British parliament.so parliament passed the stamp Act.that required colonists to buy a stamp and attach it to every piece of paper they used,from newspaper to magazines to paying cards.but then the colonists became mad,but not because the amount of tax but
The Athens were similar to the colonies because they both had questionable governments. For example, the Athens decided to enslave families who were in debt. Also, the colonies made everyone pay taxes for stamps to use anysort of paper. Also, they both found solutions to their problems. The Athens found a solution by making a new law for not so rich people to be able to have their idea be heard if they have a farm. The colonies solved it by breaking off of the British people and make their own laws. Democracy is a way people can come up of laws together.
ReplyDeleteHow did democracy change over time? To answer that question, we got to go back to the past. It all started with the Athenians. The social system of Athenia was the rich people made the laws and everyone else who let's say the poor had to obey the laws. Later the poor of Athenia were angry with the rich and were about to start a war and the rich knew they couldn't stop them so a guy Solom created a new government to solve the problem. Some time later, the Cleisthenes wanted to make a government run by the people so the held a vote and finally got what they wanted. Some time later, the American colonists were angry with King George the 3rd because he had just created the stamp act which ordered people to pay for a stamp and put it on any piece of paper they have. The people were angry and started a riot. During that time, the Revolutionary War had begun. Then they created the three branches, executive, legislative, and the judicial branch. So who created democracy, the Greeks, and we can finally have power.
I liked how you started your paragraph with a question.
DeleteThanh:Democracy can be translated to “people power”or “rule by people”. Thousands of years ago, peoples in Athens wanted to made the rule for everyone follow. In Athens rich landowners relaxed on enormous estates. Their fields attended to by slave. And they made the rules for everyone else. But most of Athenians not rich. If they could not pay their taxes they were forced to borrow money. If they couldn’t pay back their debts, family members were often sold into slavery. By 630 B.C. poor people of Athens were becoming angry. Rich peoples knew they could not fight the poor. They need to changes before Athens headed straight for a civil war.
ReplyDeleteOver thousands years later, in 1765, debts was also on the mind of Britain’s King George. They had no representation in parliament. Britain thought it had right to tax citizens who could vote for their representatives in Parliament. And the colonies chose to stood up for freedom. Soon anger in !3 American colonies began bubble over. If they didn’t have a vote in Britain’s Parliament, why should they follow the laws that it approved? The whisper of war were passed across America. Both of they also angry with the tax.
Turn back to Athens, by 600 B.C the situation in Athen was also spinning out of control. The wealthy landowners knew they had to find a way to make the city quiet. They turn to the man named Solon help. First Solon change the debtor’s laws. Athenians would not longer have to sell family members into slavery to settle debts. Then He divided citizens into four classes based on how much their farms produced. In new system, people in the first three class were able to run for government office. But the wealthy were not happy for share power, and the lowest class still could not participate in government and make laws.
The British punished the colonies, they wanted to seize colonial weapons that had been stored there. A small group of colonie met british army, the British said they needed to drop their weapons and leave. Sunddenly, when coloniststs turned to go, a shot rang out. The Revolutionary War had begun.
Long time passed in Athens, one man named Cleisthenes wanted a government run by people, and made sweeping changes
DeleteGood job explaining your story. Try staying on task by comparing and contrast not summarising the story.
ReplyDeleteIn the passage, “Who Created Democracy,” there are many similarities and differences between Ancient Athens and the Colonies of America. For example, Ancient Athens created a new system of government. The idea of laws taxes brought to a assemble for vote. Another reason is the american colonies had no representation in parliament so they had no control of britain. Also based on the number of representatives in a population of each state can cause the amount of votes. One thing that is the same is that since the American colonies aren't paying the taxes the british are angry so they say If you don't pay your taxes we will put your children for slaves. But then the American colonist fought back but the british told them to put there guns down so they but one person shit there gun but no one knows who shot it.
ReplyDeleteThe Athens were similar to the colonies because they both had questionable governments. For example, the Athens decided to enslave families who were in debt. Also, the colonies made everyone pay taxes for stamps to use anysort of paper. Also, they both found solutions to their problems. The Athens found a solution by making a new law for not so rich people to be able to have their idea be heard if they have a farm. The colonies solved it by breaking off of the British people and make their own laws. Democracy is a way people can come up of laws together.
Deletei like how you put them in order and how you did so great and i also like how you talked about the taxes and how it was
ReplyDeleteIn the passage, “Who Created Democracy?”, it explains the origin of democracy and how it’s evolved during the years. Democracy is a form of government which the people take part in governing themselves. Let’s talk about the differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American Colony.
There are differences and similarities between Ancient Athens and the American colony. Many differences, but many similarities, too. In Ancient Athens, tax debt could have lead to family members being sold into slavery. They’d do that since people needed slaves, so if people didn’t pay for their taxes, they’d have a family member sold into slavery. In 594 B.C., they turned to a man named Solon for help since in 600 B.C. the Athens were out of control. Solon tried fixing the problem by creating a new system of government. He divided citizens in four classes based on how much their farms produced. Not many people liked what he done, mainly the wealthy. They didn’t want to share power. Low classes still couldn’t participate in government and make laws. In 561 B.C., a man sent troops to Athens. After the man took over a city from Solon, they had removed Hippias from power. They soon asked a man named Cleisthenes for his ideas for a new government. He formed Council of the 500 for ideas for laws/taxes to be brought to the Assembly for a vote.
Now onto the American Colony. They had no representation in parliament. They soon after demanded that the king repeal the Stamp Act. The British would punish the colonists which soon led to war. They would have a number of representatives based on population of each state (not the size, just the amount of people who live in the state).
ReplyDeleteI bet you're wondering who created “Democracy” Well, I’ll tell you that it wasn’t just one person. There were groups of people like The Ancient Athens and American Colonies. There are many similarities and differences in Ancient Athens similar to the American Colonies. First of all, both of them were mad about taxes. For example, if the Ancient Athens could not not pay their taxes, it could lead to family members being sold to slavery. While the American Colonists had no representation in parliament. Luckily Solon, a landowner changed the debtors laws. Athenians would no longer have to sell family members into slavery to settle debts. He also divided citizens in classes similar like the egyptian pyramid. Many people liked his idea, but not everyone. And next thing you know the British punished the colonists, which led to war. As the British army marched toward the Lexington, Massachusetts, a british officer ordered to drop their weapons and leave. The colonists turned to go, a shot ran out. The Revolutionary War had begun. Both of the groups questioned the system of government and both had Legislative Branch, which had peoples votes. Another important person named Cleisthenes formed council of 500 ideas for laws/taxes brought to assembly for a vote. In 1783 after 8 years of fighting, the British surrendered and government ruled by the people finally became a reality in America. The senate would have the same number of representatives would be chosen based on population of their state. Now that you have all those interesting facts and detail you should have an idea of how democracy was developed. It began when the Ancient Greeks and Romans tried to answer the question,”Who should be in charge of government.” The writers of the U.S. Constitution answered the question in the first three words: We the people.
DeleteI like your topic sentence because you say it wasn't just one person it was a group.
Ashley In the passage,”Who Created Democracy”,the text talks about how the Ancient Athens and the American Colonists governments were both handled.In the text it states how the American Colonies had no representation in parliament,the British punished the colonists which led them to war and the number of republicans were based on the population of each state.Another thing the text states is the Ancient Athens had tax debt which could lead into family members being sold into slavery, how Solon created a new system of govenment and the Cleisthenes formed a council of the 500 ideas for laws and taxes which brought to an assembly for a vote.Some of the similarities the governments have together are they both got angry over the taxes and there system of government was questioned. Democracy has changed over the years and now we have the three branches called the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch because the ancient greeks and romans tried to answer the question who should be in charged of government.
ReplyDeletegood job