Ryan The theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth who beats up Peter without mercy and in the end Peter did the exact same thing.“With anger that had been brewing up all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with bare fists. Peter was no match and soon Cole pounded him bloody.” “Then Peter started kicking him. To Cole it felt as if a sledgehammer was striking his chest and arms. He rolled away, but the kick caught his face and slammed his head back. He tasted blood. The world spun in lazy circles.” Another example is Cole’s family, Cole’s Dad beat Cole and Cole’s father beat him and so on and so forth. A quote from the text is” Your father isn't a bad person,but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.That’s all he knew.When I saw him doing it to you , I kept telling myself that things would get better. Drinking helped me ignore reality.” Trust also goes in a circle; Garvey would pass Cole his family at.oww and Cole would pass his to Peter. “I have something I want to give you, he said. He took out the friendship at.oow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’He handed the at.oow to Peter. ‘Are you saying you trust me.’ Cole nodded. ‘I hope someday you'll trust me.’” Just like Cole, Peter starts to forgive himself and the people around him. I bet if Edwin tried healing Cole’s dad he might come through and start to be a caring father. In the words of Garvey “‘Knife is like life. It can destroy you or heal you.’” In conclusion life revolves in a never ending cycle.
Derek The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a troubled youth. In the beginning Cole was mad and upset and got into trouble. Towards the middle he got sent to an island in Alaska. He had hurt someone in the beginning, but in the end he is trying to make up with him. If he will want to make up with him.
Myah The theme of the book Touching Spirit Bear is life is a circle. Choles background is the father hurt chole, Choleś mom hurt chole, choles father’s father hurt chloe's dad. Chole hurt peter, and Sprite bear hurt chole. On page 121 it said “Your father isn't a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything.” “That’s all he ever knew.” Another example is when the main character, Chole mattews begins the story by beating up peter a kid in his class and than went to an island and got mauled by a bear. Chole only trusted people that were afraid of him. He didn’t trust gravy because he wasn’t afraid of him. To show chole that gravy trusted him gravy gave chole at.´oow. The specily blanket shows trust. After Chole got mauled by a bear, Chole change and started to learn stuff , like he can never get rid of his anger he just needs to learn how to control it. Every morning he wakes up soaked in the pound, eat breakfast, work hard, make dinning, dance a dance, sleep, and then do it all over again. Chole finally realized life isn't a game he could play and easily bet. He actually had to work for stuff. Chole had to earn people's trust and even the sprite bear two. At the end Chole change so much during the time his has been on the island that when he heard peter was trying to commit suicide he jumped right in to help. Peter came to the island and chole showed peter, the pound, the totem where he carves what sees, and the dances he dances. Peter hurt chole at first but once they show the Spirt bear Peter started to trust Chole. Chole finally found out what to crave in the emtey space, with the help of peter they made a circle. They learned to trust each other and that life is a circle.
Sophi The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a circle of events. For example, in the story the main character Cole Matthews starts off as a delinquent kid, constantly challenging the law enforcement. For example, in the beginning he beats up Peter Driscal, a bullied character, and severely injures him. On page #7, it says “Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.” He does this because Cole’s father beat Cole. Later in the story it is revealed that Cole’s father himself was beaten. On page #121, it says, “She smiled sadly. ‘Your father isn't a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.” This is more in the middle of the story, after Cole gets mauled by the Spirit Bear. In the middle, he gets sent to the island by Circle Justice, and after he tries to escape he gets mauled after trying to attack the Spirit Bear. He realizes that life is a circle while struggling to stay conscious. He tries his best to stay alive and succeeds. He starts to realize his mistakes and actually becomes a better person At the end of the book, Peter comes to the island, after Cole said he knew how to help Peter, in a very bad shape. However he is still angry at Cole at first, not believing that he’s changed. After this, Peter begins to ever so slightly trust Cole, so they went to soak together alone. Peter was angry at Cole and hurt him, but when Cole wouldn't fight back he started to believe and slightly trust him. Cole gives Peter the at.oow as a sign that he trusts Peter, and he hopes that one day Peter will trust him. On page #293 it says, “Cole pulled off the backpack. ‘I have something I want to give you,’ he said. He took out the folded at.óow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’ He handed the at.óow to Peter. ‘Now I want you to have it.’” In conclusion, the theme of Touching Spirit Bear is that life is a circle, every action has a reaction.
The theme of touching Spirit Bear, by Ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character cole matthews is a trouble youth. Cole In the beginning was mad and angry. Cole was mad and angry because he wanted to fight the Bear. At the End Cole was starting to get happy. Then Cole wants to fight the Bear.
Luciana The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle.This means that for every action there is a reaction.Life occurs in a cycle of events.For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth in the beginning of the story.In the middle of the story, he is more calm than angry.In the end, he cares more about healing than anger.I know this because in the beginning of the text it states,”Agreeing to spend a whole year alone in Southeast Alaska had been his only way of avoiding a jail cell in Minneapolis.” In the middle of the text it states,”In death there was no control, no anger, no one to blame, no choices, no nothing.To be alive was to have choice.The power to choose was real power, not the fake power of making others afraid.Cole knew he had used that fake power many times.All his life he had squandered his choices, wallowing in revenge and self-pity, keeping himself down.Now, as he lay near death, those he had hated were safe and warm.Those he had blamed were still alive and well.He had hurt himself the most.”In the end of the text it states,” ‘Peter I’m not a bad person.I got mad ‘cause I was really mad at myself.I thought my dad beat me because I was worthless.’ Cole paused. ’The dances, carving the totem, carrying the ancestor rock, touching the Spirit Bear it was all the same thing-it was finding out who I really was.’ ” So Cole’s emotions went around in a circle to find out who he really was.
Cole's backround- Cole's Father hurt cole,Cole's father was hurt by his own father cole hurt Peter. I think the theme of the story is that you hav to not steal or do any bad things or you will get in so much troble and you shuld not hit ofthers kids or beat them up at school. The theme of touching spirit bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is a life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a rection. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main charecter cole matthewes is a trouble youth.
The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth.
Touching Spirit Bear Theme: Life is a circle Cole’s Background: Cole’s father hurt Cole, Cole’s father was hurt by his own father. Cole hurt Peter. Spirit Bear hurt Cole. Peter hurt Cole. Cole’s mother hurt him mentally.
P.121: “Your father isn’t a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents that beat him for everything he did.”
P.239: “ He handed the at.`oow to Peter.”
P.175: “ That knife is life, Garvey said, It can destroy you or help you heal.”
P. 7 & 236: Peter and Cole beat each other up.
The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character, Cole Matthews, is a troubled youth. One event that shows this is Cole’s grandpa hurt cole’s dad, Cole’s dad hurt him, Cole hurt Peter, Cole had to go to an island for a year, Cole got mauled by a Spirit Bear, and then Peter hurt Cole. Another example is Garvey gave Cole the at`oow as a symbol of trust. Then Cole gave Peter the at`oow. In conclusion, the theme of “Touching Spirit Bear” is that life is a circle.
Cole background - cole father hurt cole , coles father was hurt by his own father
The theme of Touching Spirt Bear by ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction . life occurs in a cycle of events . for example, the main character cole matthew is a trouble youth . he b
gabbyTHEME- life is circle The theme of Touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen , is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction . Life occurs in a cycle of events . For example , the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth. Coles background - cole's father hurt cole , and Cole's father dad beat cole's dad and that is a circle but Cole broke that circle by going to the island by soaking in the pond and the ancestor rock and let the anger roll away. 120 chp. 14 and 121 same chp Another circle is trust in the beginning of the book Cole did not get any trust because cole hurt Peter Driscal so Peter did not trust Cole but then Garvey give Cole the atoow and the symbol trust and Cole did distrust circle justice by saying “he really does want to change” but he really did not . Also at the end of the story Cole was trustworthy but people did not want to believe that because of his past . Then he gave the atoow to Peter Driscal. The book also talks about how life talks about life . And how the circle works for Cole he realized that you were born live die rot then your body is now part of the soil then it all happens all over again . That was the main reason why wanted to change his bad behavior .
Page 239 - 240 “ Could it be because every part of a circle is both a beginning and an end?”
Page 239 “ He took out the folded at.’oow. “Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.” He handed the at oow to Peter. “ Now I want you to have it”.
Page 120 “ When my dad uses the belt on me, I know he’s trying to hurt me. I see it in his eyes. The bear was different. It was just trying to protect itself because I tried to hurt it.”
Page 7 “ Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody. And “Cole jumped on him again and started smashing his head against the sidewalk.”
Page 235 “Maybe you're scared of me,” Peter said, swinging his fists. He struck Cole squarely in the face. “ Go ahead, hit me! ``he taunted. “ Kill me. I don’t care anymore.”
Page 139 “ All because that is what I made it. Yours was simply food, because that is what you make of it.”
The theme of “Touching Spirit Bear”, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth. In the beginning, Cole beat Peter Driscal and went to custody. He hated everybody and trusted only those who were scared of them. He soon got the choice of either going to circle justice, or prison. He chose circle justice. His parole officer and his friend built a shelter for Cole in the island, but rage controlled Cole and he burned down the shelter. He soon spotted a bear. He started getting mad at the bear because he felt like it was mocking him because it wasn’t afraid of him. He attempted to defeat and kill the white spirit bear, but instead, the bear mauled him. Cole started pondering what purpose did he have, and he then decided he wanted to live instead of die. He changed when a lightning bolt made a tree fall, and killed the small baby birds. He then asked “ Are you okay”. This was when Cole changed because he finally cared for something other than him. He started changing more and
The theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth. Cole Matthews is a kid who has had a pretty bad childhood due to his dad hitting him and his mom drinking. This led Cole to be angry and violent. In the beginning Cole has recently broken into a hardware store and had completely trashed it along with taking some things with him. After a week has passed since his break in he bragged about it in school which led someone to ratting out on him. The police heard and went to question Cole, of course he denied everything and was let go. Peter Driscal is a ninth grader Cole picked on just from the fun of it. That same day Cole caught up to Peter and said you're a dead man. Later at school Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. Cole started hitting him hard in the face and when Peter tried to escape he fell and tripped. Cole then started smashing his head on the sidewalk until six other students pulled him off of Peter. After that it was a lot of going back and forth until they decided to send Cole to an island where he would send him for a while. Cole got mauled by a spirit bear and then Garvey came and took him to the hospital. Cole was at the hospital and then later got sent back to the island. Peter had tried committing sucide 2 times and then was later sent to the island with Cole. Peter did not talk when he first got there and then later was starting to become less scared of Cole.
Alexis The theme of Touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a trouble youth. In the beginning of the story, Cole thought that if Peter had known how to fight back, he wouldn’t have ended up on the island. He thinks that everyone is to blame. In the middle of the story, Cole just wants to get to the island to get away from prison. He didn’t want to heal. Towards the end of the story, Cole heals by the following ways that Garvey and Edwin taught him; He carries the ancestor rock, he dances different dances with meanings to them, and he soaks everyday to clear him mind. He even invites Peter Driscal to the island (the boy he beat up) to teach him all the things he learned and help Peter heal.
KANA The theme of Touching spirt bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a trouble youth. He is was a very selfcenterd boy. He blames every body around him for causing his problems. At school he bragged about robbing a store, teenage boy Peter Driscal told the cops. Cole found out and beat up peter visously. Next he went to jail, then said he wanted to change so he went to circle justice. He did not really want to change. Next Gravey and Edwin took him to an iland in alaska. They built him a shelter, showed his a stream with clean water, and also provided tools for him. Once they left
Maggie The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a juvenile delinquent. In the beginning of the story, he is closed off and bitter towards the world, because his father beat him for everything he did. However, his father had been beaten by his parents, and their actions resulted in the reaction of more beating. This is an example of the fact that life is a circle. I know this because the text states, “She smiled sadly. ‘Your father isn’t a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.”, and “Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.” Then, Cole beat up a boy named Peter Driscal, which resulted in him facing Circle Justice, a form of Native American justice. In Circle Justice, everyone respects everyone else’s opinions. Garvey gives Cole an at.óow blanket, a symbol of his trust in Cole. I know this because the text states, “‘At.óow is something you inherit. This blanket has been handed down for many generations in my family. It once belonged to one of our chiefs and is a link to our ancestors. You can’t own at.óow. You are only its caretaker for a time. If you accept this at.óow from me, you must promise to care for it and someday pass it on to someone else you trust.’” Cole is sentenced to banishment on a remote, non-populated island. While there, he tried to kill the Spirit Bear, but the bear succeeded in mauling him instead. He is rescued by Garvey and Edwin, and he brings Peter to the island so he can heal. Peter then beats up Cole, continuing the circle of harm. The two boys slowly make amends, and Cole gives Peter the at.óow blanket, showing that he trusts Peter. This is evidence of the circle of the at.óow. I know this because the text states, “Cole pulled off the backpack. ‘I have something I want to give you,’ he said. He took out the folded at.óow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’ He handed the at.óow to Peter. ‘Now I want you to have it.’” Finally, Peter and Cole work together to carve a circle in Cole’s totem.
The theme of Touching Spirit, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth that heart Peter because Coles father hurt him. Another example of that Another example of life being a circle is that when Cole hurt Peter the reaction was that Cole was put on the island and got mauled by the Spirit Bear. Another example of that would be the at.’oow, the at.’oow is an example because it is passed on for generations. The last example would be that Cole’s father hurt Cole because his own father hurt him. Hopefully the last example is an example that isn’t common.
Vanessa The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a circle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a troubled youth. Cole’s grandfather hurt Cole’s father, then the father hurt Cole, next Cole hurt Peter Driscal, and Peter hurt Cole. This is an example of a circle of events, continuously happening over and over again. Because Cole hurt Peter, he was banished to an island for a year. When Edwin and Garvey left him on the island, Cole let his anger out and burned the shelter and supplies. Then he planned to escape the island by swimming away. When he did, he deeply regretted it and got so tired and cold, that he got washed up back to the island. When he got there he woke up and saw the Spirit Bear. He got mad at it and decided to kill it. Instead the Bear almost killed him, and the Bear got on top of him curious. Cole raised his arm ad touched it for a while. When he touched it he felt warm, calm, and felt trust. Garvey and Edwin came back to the island and found Cole laying on the ground, quickly they took him to the hospital. Cole then promised himself that he will no longer lie to others and to try not to prove anything and to forgive others. It was Cole’s second time on the island but this time with Peter. Peter always tried to do the same things Cole did to him but Cole just ignored it and never tried to harm him. Peter soon learned that Cole never tried to hurt him so he let him be. One day Cole and Peter went on a walk together and Cole gave the at.oow to Peter. The at.oow was a symbol of trust and was past down from generation to generation. Peter and Cole soon got along with each other,
By Angel The theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle.This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth in the beginning of the story. In the beginning, Cole is in a boat to an island but is thinking to himself that Cole beats Peter Driscle, and gets harmed severely after telling on Cole. In the past, he has done many bad things such as breaking into a hardware store and robe from it, but harming Peter caused him a lot of troubles. In his time locked up, his family rarely visited him, but there was this man called Garvey who visited him constantly. He offered him a way to probably not go to jail, called Circle Justice. After many days of thinking ,he agreed,but only to not go to jail. The solution was that he would go to a remote island with shelter food and supply he might need. In the middle of the story, he goes to the island and start in the present. Before leaving Cole on the island, Garvey gives him an at.oow which is a symbol of trust, and Edwin gives him advice on what to do.Then, Cole gets mad and starts to feel that his mom and dad had hurt him too much, and feel that everyone was happy now that he was gone.He started to burn the shelter that Edwin did for him and after everything was burned he tried to escape the island, but he couldn’t. Then, he sees the spirit bear on his days on the island and one day he attacked the bear but the bear mauled him. After that, Cole had a broken leg and many deep wounds in his body, and started to think that he wanted to live, and started to eat anything that was around him, even his own vomit. At the end of the middle part of the book, he is taken to a doctor in an island near Alaska. That is were his mom comes and tells him evidence that life is a circle because his father hits Cole and the father of Cole’s father beat him, and Cole beat Cole by his own anger.This information can be found on pages121 and 122 of the Book Touching Spirit Bear. At the end of the book Cole decides to go to the same island again and this time he has to go to a pond every day, carry a rock to the top of the hill and come with Peter Driscul to heal him too. He also dances some dances that are about animals like spirit bears, eagle and wolfs.At the end of the story, Peter finally talks to Cole and he carved out one part of his totem, a piece of wood in were Cole carved animals. At the very end of the book Peter beats Cole and they both learn about how life is a circle. Cole changed from being bad to heal and be good. Life is a circle because Cole beat peter and at the end Peter beat Cole. Life is also a circle because dad beats Cole, and Cole beats Peter.In conclusion,Cole got healed by touching Spirit Bear
Noah The theme of touching spirit bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. That means for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example the character Cole Mattews is a troubled youth who beat up a kid named Peter Driscal. In the beginning then he gets a banishment to an island after his second day he burned down down a log cabin and a few days later he tries killing a big white bear but the bear mauled Cole and Cole almost dies and had to go to the hospital. In the middle Cole started healing and bathing and carrying the ancestor rock and making a totem. Then one day Garvey and Edwin come to the island and tell Cole that peter is trying to commit suicide. Cole has an idea to bring him to the island and heal with Cole. In the end, Peter comes to the island and doesn't make eye contact with anyone for a while and trying to sabotage Cole and finally Peter trusts Cole and lets him into the cabin and out of the leaky tent . they work good but still Peter tries to sabotage Cole and finally one morning Cole went to bathe and peter came with him and beat him up and Cole took it and did nothing. Then 5 days later Peter helped Cole with his last totem a circle because there is no beginning and end.
Cole's backround- Cole's Father hurt cole,Cole's father was hurt by his own father cole hurt Peter. I think the theme of the story is that you hav to not steal or do any bad things or you will get in so much troble and you shuld not hit ofthers kids or beat them up at school. The theme of touching spirit bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is a life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a rection. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main charecter cole matthewes is a trouble youth.
The theme of touching spirit bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. That means for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example the character Cole Mattews is a troubled youth who beat up a kid named Peter Driscal. In the beginning then he gets a banishment to an island after his second day he burned down down a log cabin and a few days later he tries killing a big white bear but the bear mauled Cole and Cole almost dies and had to go to the hospital. In the middle Cole started healing and bathing and carrying the ancestor rock and making a totem. Then one day Garvey and Edwin come to the island and tell Cole that peter is trying to commit suicide.seth
Giselle The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life's a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. LIfe occurs in cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth.
Isaac {page 2} more till he was a nice, kind, loving, caring, boy. Garvey said that Cole was still serving his sentence, and he was going to complete it at the same, remote, alaskan island. He started soaking himself everyday to clear his mind. He started rolling down the ancestor rock like he was rolling his anger away. He started doing dances about animals around the fire and understanding how they act and survive. He even started making his own shelter, which he did. He also made a Totem. Carving the animal he danced about. He then learned that Peter tried commiting suicide. This is when he suggested that Peter Driscal could come to the island. Garvey agreed and brange Peter to the remote island. In the beginning Peter didn’t trust Cole at all. As they started going to soak at the pond and rolling the ancestor rock, Peter didn’t show that much hate towards Cole. Until Peter suggested that he and Cole should go by themselves. When they went to the pond to soak, Cole talked about how they should be friends to break the silence. That was when Peter started to feel the huge amount of hate he had toward Cole. He punched, kicked, and mocked Cole. Cole begged to stop. Then Peter fell to his knees and sobbed. Later, Peter left. Garvey and Cole went back to the cabin, Peter was carving on Cole’s totem. Cole got really mad and ran towards him to realize that Peter was actually carving a better version of spirit bear. They then got along well.
Mia The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by, Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character, Cole Mathews, is a trouble youth.In the beginning of this story Cole Mattews is a troubled juvenile delinquent with anger issues. Along with a father that beats him and a mother that hurt him meantlly. So he was a bad and bratty kid which led him to beat up Peter Driscall and lied to circle justice about him wanting to go to the island for his banishment to heal. He then tried to kill the Spirit Bear and then it mauled him. Then he started to heal and learned to control his anger. Finally he is fully healed and he taught Peter how to heal.
Aimmee 9/27/19 The theme of Touching spirit bear, by Ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. LIfe is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character cole matthews is a troubled youth.
Yareli The theme of touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen , is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For an example the main character cole Matthews is a trouble youth
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth who beats up Peter without mercy and in the end Peter did the exact same thing.“With anger that had been brewing up all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with bare fists. Peter was no match and soon Cole pounded him bloody.” “Then Peter started kicking him. To Cole it felt as if a sledgehammer was striking his chest and arms. He rolled away, but the kick caught his face and slammed his head back. He tasted blood. The world spun in lazy circles.” Another example is Cole’s family, Cole’s Dad beat Cole and Cole’s father beat him and so on and so forth. A quote from the text is” Your father isn't a bad person,but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.That’s all he knew.When I saw him doing it to you , I kept telling myself that things would get better. Drinking helped me ignore reality.” Trust also goes in a circle; Garvey would pass Cole his family at.oww and Cole would pass his to Peter. “I have something I want to give you, he said. He took out the friendship at.oow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’He handed the at.oow to Peter. ‘Are you saying you trust me.’ Cole nodded. ‘I hope someday you'll trust me.’” Just like Cole, Peter starts to forgive himself and the people around him. I bet if Edwin tried healing Cole’s dad he might come through and start to be a caring father. In the words of Garvey “‘Knife is like life. It can destroy you or heal you.’” In conclusion life revolves in a never ending cycle.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a troubled youth. In the beginning Cole was mad and upset and got into trouble. Towards the middle he got sent to an island in Alaska. He had hurt someone in the beginning, but in the end he is trying to make up with him. If he will want to make up with him.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of the book Touching Spirit Bear is life is a circle. Choles background is the father hurt chole, Choleś mom hurt chole, choles father’s father hurt chloe's dad. Chole hurt peter, and Sprite bear hurt chole. On page 121 it said “Your father isn't a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything.” “That’s all he ever knew.” Another example is when the main character, Chole mattews begins the story by beating up peter a kid in his class and than went to an island and got mauled by a bear. Chole only trusted people that were afraid of him. He didn’t trust gravy because he wasn’t afraid of him. To show chole that gravy trusted him gravy gave chole at.´oow. The specily blanket shows trust.
After Chole got mauled by a bear, Chole change and started to learn stuff , like he can never get rid of his anger he just needs to learn how to control it. Every morning he wakes up soaked in the pound, eat breakfast, work hard, make dinning, dance a dance, sleep, and then do it all over again. Chole finally realized life isn't a game he could play and easily bet. He actually had to work for stuff. Chole had to earn people's trust and even the sprite bear two.
At the end Chole change so much during the time his has been on the island that when he heard peter was trying to commit suicide he jumped right in to help. Peter came to the island and chole showed peter, the pound, the totem where he carves what sees, and the dances he dances. Peter hurt chole at first but once they show the Spirt bear Peter started to trust Chole. Chole finally found out what to crave in the emtey space, with the help of peter they made a circle. They learned to trust each other and that life is a circle.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a circle of events. For example, in the story the main character Cole Matthews starts off as a delinquent kid, constantly challenging the law enforcement. For example, in the beginning he beats up Peter Driscal, a bullied character, and severely injures him. On page #7, it says “Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.” He does this because Cole’s father beat Cole. Later in the story it is revealed that Cole’s father himself was beaten. On page #121, it says, “She smiled sadly. ‘Your father isn't a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.” This is more in the middle of the story, after Cole gets mauled by the Spirit Bear. In the middle, he gets sent to the island by Circle Justice, and after he tries to escape he gets mauled after trying to attack the Spirit Bear. He realizes that life is a circle while struggling to stay conscious. He tries his best to stay alive and succeeds. He starts to realize his mistakes and actually becomes a better person At the end of the book, Peter comes to the island, after Cole said he knew how to help Peter, in a very bad shape. However he is still angry at Cole at first, not believing that he’s changed. After this, Peter begins to ever so slightly trust Cole, so they went to soak together alone. Peter was angry at Cole and hurt him, but when Cole wouldn't fight back he started to believe and slightly trust him. Cole gives Peter the at.oow as a sign that he trusts Peter, and he hopes that one day Peter will trust him. On page #293 it says, “Cole pulled off the backpack. ‘I have something I want to give you,’ he said. He took out the folded at.óow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’ He handed the at.óow to Peter. ‘Now I want you to have it.’” In conclusion, the theme of Touching Spirit Bear is that life is a circle, every action has a reaction.
The theme of touching Spirit Bear, by Ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character cole matthews is a trouble youth. Cole In the beginning was mad and angry. Cole was mad and angry because he wanted to fight the Bear. At the End Cole was starting to get happy. Then Cole wants to fight the Bear.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle.This means that for every action there is a reaction.Life occurs in a cycle of events.For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth in the beginning of the story.In the middle of the story, he is more calm than angry.In the end, he cares more about healing than anger.I know this because in the beginning of the text it states,”Agreeing to spend a whole year alone in Southeast Alaska had been his only way of avoiding a jail cell in Minneapolis.” In the middle of the text it states,”In death there was no control, no anger, no one to blame, no choices, no nothing.To be alive was to have choice.The power to choose was real power, not the fake power of making others afraid.Cole knew he had used that fake power many times.All his life he had squandered his choices, wallowing in revenge and self-pity, keeping himself down.Now, as he lay near death, those he had hated were safe and warm.Those he had blamed were still alive and well.He had hurt himself the most.”In the end of the text it states,” ‘Peter I’m not a bad person.I got mad ‘cause I was really mad at myself.I thought my dad beat me because I was worthless.’ Cole paused. ’The dances, carving the totem, carrying the ancestor rock, touching the Spirit Bear it was all the same thing-it was finding out who I really was.’ ” So Cole’s emotions went around in a circle to find out who he really was.
Theme- Life is a circle
ReplyDeleteCole's backround- Cole's Father hurt cole,Cole's father was hurt by his own father cole hurt Peter. I think the theme of the story is that you hav to not steal or do any bad things or you will get in so much troble and you shuld not hit ofthers kids or beat them up at school. The theme of touching spirit bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is a life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a rection. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main charecter cole matthewes is a trouble youth.
The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth.
ReplyDeleteAaron p
DeleteTouching Spirit Bear
ReplyDeleteTheme: Life is a circle
Cole’s Background: Cole’s father hurt Cole, Cole’s father was hurt by his own father. Cole hurt Peter. Spirit Bear hurt Cole. Peter hurt Cole. Cole’s mother hurt him mentally.
P.121: “Your father isn’t a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents that beat him for everything he did.”
P.239: “ He handed the at.`oow to Peter.”
P.175: “ That knife is life, Garvey said, It can destroy you or help you heal.”
P. 7 & 236: Peter and Cole beat each other up.
The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character, Cole Matthews, is a troubled youth. One event that shows this is Cole’s grandpa hurt cole’s dad, Cole’s dad hurt him, Cole hurt Peter, Cole had to go to an island for a year, Cole got mauled by a Spirit Bear, and then Peter hurt Cole. Another example is Garvey gave Cole the at`oow as a symbol of trust. Then Cole gave Peter the at`oow. In conclusion, the theme of “Touching Spirit Bear” is that life is a circle.
ReplyDeleteTheme- life is a circle
Cole background - cole father hurt cole , coles father was hurt by his own father
The theme of Touching Spirt Bear by ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction . life occurs in a cycle of events . for example, the main character cole matthew is a trouble youth . he b
gabbyTHEME- life is circle The theme of Touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen , is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction . Life occurs in a cycle of events . For example , the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth.
ReplyDeleteColes background - cole's father hurt cole , and Cole's father dad beat cole's dad and that is a circle but Cole broke that circle by going to the island by soaking in the pond and the ancestor rock and let the anger roll away. 120 chp. 14 and 121 same chp
Another circle is trust in the beginning of the book Cole did not get any trust because cole hurt Peter Driscal so Peter did not trust Cole but then Garvey give Cole the atoow and the symbol trust and Cole did distrust circle justice by saying “he really does want to change” but he really did not . Also at the end of the story Cole was trustworthy but people did not want to believe that because of his past . Then he gave the atoow to Peter Driscal. The book also talks about how life talks about life . And how the circle works for Cole he realized that you were born live die rot then your body is now part of the soil then it all happens all over again . That was the main reason why wanted to change his bad behavior .
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ReplyDeleteIsaacTheme -Life is a circle
ReplyDeletePage 239 - 240 “ Could it be because every part of a circle is both a beginning and an end?”
Page 239 “ He took out the folded at.’oow. “Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.” He handed the at oow to Peter. “ Now I want you to have it”.
Page 120 “ When my dad uses the belt on me, I know he’s trying to hurt me. I see it in his eyes. The bear was different. It was just trying to protect itself because I tried to hurt it.”
Page 7 “ Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody. And “Cole jumped on him again and started smashing his head against the sidewalk.”
Page 235 “Maybe you're scared of me,” Peter said, swinging his fists. He struck Cole squarely in the face. “ Go ahead, hit me! ``he taunted. “ Kill me. I don’t care anymore.”
Page 139 “ All because that is what I made it. Yours was simply food, because that is what you make of it.”
The theme of “Touching Spirit Bear”, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth. In the beginning, Cole beat Peter Driscal and went to custody. He hated everybody and trusted only those who were scared of them. He soon got the choice of either going to circle justice, or prison. He chose circle justice. His parole officer and his friend built a shelter for Cole in the island, but rage controlled Cole and he burned down the shelter. He soon spotted a bear. He started getting mad at the bear because he felt like it was mocking him because it wasn’t afraid of him. He attempted to defeat and kill the white spirit bear, but instead, the bear mauled him. Cole started pondering what purpose did he have, and he then decided he wanted to live instead of die. He changed when a lightning bolt made a tree fall, and killed the small baby birds. He then asked “ Are you okay”. This was when Cole changed because he finally cared for something other than him. He started changing more and
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ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth. Cole Matthews is a kid who has had a pretty bad childhood due to his dad hitting him and his mom drinking. This led Cole to be angry and violent. In the beginning Cole has recently broken into a hardware store and had completely trashed it along with taking some things with him. After a week has passed since his break in he bragged about it in school which led someone to ratting out on him. The police heard and went to question Cole, of course he denied everything and was let go. Peter Driscal is a ninth grader Cole picked on just from the fun of it. That same day Cole caught up to Peter and said you're a dead man. Later at school Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. Cole started hitting him hard in the face and when Peter tried to escape he fell and tripped. Cole then started smashing his head on the sidewalk until six other students pulled him off of Peter. After that it was a lot of going back and forth until they decided to send Cole to an island where he would send him for a while. Cole got mauled by a spirit bear and then Garvey came and took him to the hospital. Cole was at the hospital and then later got sent back to the island. Peter had tried committing sucide 2 times and then was later sent to the island with Cole. Peter did not talk when he first got there and then later was starting to become less scared of Cole.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a trouble youth. In the beginning of the story, Cole thought that if Peter had known how to fight back, he wouldn’t have ended up on the island. He thinks that everyone is to blame. In the middle of the story, Cole just wants to get to the island to get away from prison. He didn’t want to heal. Towards the end of the story, Cole heals by the following ways that Garvey and Edwin taught him; He carries the ancestor rock, he dances different dances with meanings to them, and he soaks everyday to clear him mind. He even invites Peter Driscal to the island (the boy he beat up) to teach him all the things he learned and help Peter heal.
The theme of Touching spirt bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a trouble youth. He is was a very selfcenterd boy. He blames every body around him for causing his problems. At school he bragged about robbing a store, teenage boy Peter Driscal told the cops. Cole found out and beat up peter visously. Next he went to jail, then said he wanted to change so he went to circle justice. He did not really want to change. Next Gravey and Edwin took him to an iland in alaska. They built him a shelter, showed his a stream with clean water, and also provided tools for him. Once they left
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is that life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a juvenile delinquent. In the beginning of the story, he is closed off and bitter towards the world, because his father beat him for everything he did. However, his father had been beaten by his parents, and their actions resulted in the reaction of more beating. This is an example of the fact that life is a circle. I know this because the text states, “She smiled sadly. ‘Your father isn’t a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did.”, and “Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.” Then, Cole beat up a boy named Peter Driscal, which resulted in him facing Circle Justice, a form of Native American justice. In Circle Justice, everyone respects everyone else’s opinions. Garvey gives Cole an at.óow blanket, a symbol of his trust in Cole. I know this because the text states, “‘At.óow is something you inherit. This blanket has been handed down for many generations in my family. It once belonged to one of our chiefs and is a link to our ancestors. You can’t own at.óow. You are only its caretaker for a time. If you accept this at.óow from me, you must promise to care for it and someday pass it on to someone else you trust.’” Cole is sentenced to banishment on a remote, non-populated island. While there, he tried to kill the Spirit Bear, but the bear succeeded in mauling him instead. He is rescued by Garvey and Edwin, and he brings Peter to the island so he can heal. Peter then beats up Cole, continuing the circle of harm. The two boys slowly make amends, and Cole gives Peter the at.óow blanket, showing that he trusts Peter. This is evidence of the circle of the at.óow. I know this because the text states, “Cole pulled off the backpack. ‘I have something I want to give you,’ he said. He took out the folded at.óow. ‘Garvey gave this to me as a symbol of friendship and to show he trusted me.’ He handed the at.óow to Peter. ‘Now I want you to have it.’” Finally, Peter and Cole work together to carve a circle in Cole’s totem.
The theme of Touching Spirit, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth that heart Peter because Coles father hurt him. Another example of that Another example of life being a circle is that when Cole hurt Peter the reaction was that Cole was put on the island and got mauled by the Spirit Bear. Another example of that would be the at.’oow, the at.’oow is an example because it is passed on for generations. The last example would be that Cole’s father hurt Cole because his own father hurt him. Hopefully the last example is an example that isn’t common.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a circle of events. For example, the main character Cole Mathews is a troubled youth. Cole’s grandfather hurt Cole’s father, then the father hurt Cole, next Cole hurt Peter Driscal, and Peter hurt Cole. This is an example of a circle of events, continuously happening over and over again. Because Cole hurt Peter, he was banished to an island for a year. When Edwin and Garvey left him on the island, Cole let his anger out and burned the shelter and supplies. Then he planned to escape the island by swimming away. When he did, he deeply regretted it and got so tired and cold, that he got washed up back to the island. When he got there he woke up and saw the Spirit Bear. He got mad at it and decided to kill it. Instead the Bear almost killed him, and the Bear got on top of him curious. Cole raised his arm ad touched it for a while. When he touched it he felt warm, calm, and felt trust. Garvey and Edwin came back to the island and found Cole laying on the ground, quickly they took him to the hospital. Cole then promised himself that he will no longer lie to others and to try not to prove anything and to forgive others. It was Cole’s second time on the island but this time with Peter. Peter always tried to do the same things Cole did to him but Cole just ignored it and never tried to harm him. Peter soon learned that Cole never tried to hurt him so he let him be. One day Cole and Peter went on a walk together and Cole gave the at.oow to Peter. The at.oow was a symbol of trust and was past down from generation to generation. Peter and Cole soon got along with each other,
By Angel
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle.This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth in the beginning of the story. In the beginning, Cole is in a boat to an island but is thinking to himself that Cole beats Peter Driscle, and gets harmed severely after telling on Cole. In the past, he has done many bad things such as breaking into a hardware store and robe from it, but harming Peter caused him a lot of troubles. In his time locked up, his family rarely visited him, but there was this man called Garvey who visited him constantly. He offered him a way to probably not go to jail, called Circle Justice. After many days of thinking ,he agreed,but only to not go to jail. The solution was that he would go to a remote island with shelter food and supply he might need. In the middle of the story, he goes to the island and start in the present. Before leaving Cole on the island, Garvey gives him an at.oow which is a symbol of trust, and Edwin gives him advice on what to do.Then, Cole gets mad and starts to feel that his mom and dad had hurt him too much, and feel that everyone was happy now that he was gone.He started to burn the shelter that Edwin did for him and after everything was burned he tried to escape the island, but he couldn’t. Then, he sees the spirit bear on his days on the island and one day he attacked the bear but the bear mauled him. After that, Cole had a broken leg and many deep wounds in his body, and started to think that he wanted to live, and started to eat anything that was around him, even his own vomit. At the end of the middle part of the book, he is taken to a doctor in an island near Alaska. That is were his mom comes and tells him evidence that life is a circle because his father hits Cole and the father of Cole’s father beat him, and Cole beat Cole by his own anger.This information can be found on pages121 and 122 of the Book Touching Spirit Bear. At the end of the book Cole decides to go to the same island again and this time he has to go to a pond every day, carry a rock to the top of the hill and come with Peter Driscul to heal him too. He also dances some dances that are about animals like spirit bears, eagle and wolfs.At the end of the story, Peter finally talks to Cole and he carved out one part of his totem, a piece of wood in were Cole carved animals. At the very end of the book Peter beats Cole and they both learn about how life is a circle. Cole changed from being bad to heal and be good. Life is a circle because Cole beat peter and at the end Peter beat Cole. Life is also a circle because dad beats Cole, and Cole beats Peter.In conclusion,Cole got healed by touching Spirit Bear
ReplyDeleteThe theme of touching spirit bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. That means for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example the character Cole Mattews is a troubled youth who beat up a kid named Peter Driscal. In the beginning then he gets a banishment to an island after his second day he burned down down a log cabin and a few days later he tries killing a big white bear but the bear mauled Cole and Cole almost dies and had to go to the hospital. In the middle Cole started healing and bathing and carrying the ancestor rock and making a totem. Then one day Garvey and Edwin come to the island and tell Cole that peter is trying to commit suicide. Cole has an idea to bring him to the island and heal with Cole. In the end, Peter comes to the island and doesn't make eye contact with anyone for a while and trying to sabotage Cole and finally Peter trusts Cole and lets him into the cabin and out of the leaky tent . they work good but still Peter tries to sabotage Cole and finally one morning Cole went to bathe and peter came with him and beat him up and Cole took it and did nothing. Then 5 days later Peter helped Cole with his last totem a circle because there is no beginning and end.
Cole's backround- Cole's Father hurt cole,Cole's father was hurt by his own father cole hurt Peter. I think the theme of the story is that you hav to not steal or do any bad things or you will get in so much troble and you shuld not hit ofthers kids or beat them up at school. The theme of touching spirit bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is a life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a rection. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main charecter cole matthewes is a trouble youth.
The theme of touching spirit bear by Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. That means for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example the character Cole Mattews is a troubled youth who beat up a kid named Peter Driscal. In the beginning then he gets a banishment to an island after his second day he burned down down a log cabin and a few days later he tries killing a big white bear but the bear mauled Cole and Cole almost dies and had to go to the hospital. In the middle Cole started healing and bathing and carrying the ancestor rock and making a totem. Then one day Garvey and Edwin come to the island and tell Cole that peter is trying to commit suicide.seth
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen, is life's a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. LIfe occurs in cycle of events. For example, the main character Cole Matthews is a troubled youth.
Isaac {page 2}
ReplyDeletemore till he was a nice, kind, loving, caring, boy. Garvey said that Cole was still serving his sentence, and he was going to complete it at the same, remote, alaskan island. He started soaking himself everyday to clear his mind. He started rolling down the ancestor rock like he was rolling his anger away. He started doing dances about animals around the fire and understanding how they act and survive. He even started making his own shelter, which he did. He also made a Totem. Carving the animal he danced about. He then learned that Peter tried commiting suicide. This is when he suggested that Peter Driscal could come to the island. Garvey agreed and brange Peter to the remote island. In the beginning Peter didn’t trust Cole at all. As they started going to soak at the pond and rolling the ancestor rock, Peter didn’t show that much hate towards Cole. Until Peter suggested that he and Cole should go by themselves. When they went to the pond to soak, Cole talked about how they should be friends to break the silence. That was when Peter started to feel the huge amount of hate he had toward Cole. He punched, kicked, and mocked Cole. Cole begged to stop. Then Peter fell to his knees and sobbed. Later, Peter left. Garvey and Cole went back to the cabin, Peter was carving on Cole’s totem. Cole got really mad and ran towards him to realize that Peter was actually carving a better version of spirit bear. They then got along well.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by, Ben Mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character, Cole Mathews, is a trouble youth.In the beginning of this story Cole Mattews is a troubled juvenile delinquent with anger issues. Along with a father that beats him and a mother that hurt him meantlly. So he was a bad and bratty kid which led him to beat up Peter Driscall and lied to circle justice about him wanting to go to the island for his banishment to heal. He then tried to kill the Spirit Bear and then it mauled him. Then he started to heal and learned to control his anger. Finally he is fully healed and he taught Peter how to heal.
The theme of Touching spirit bear, by Ben mikaelsen, is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. LIfe is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For example, the main character cole matthews is a troubled youth.
IN the beginning of the story cole
ReplyDeleteThe theme of touching Spirit Bear , by Ben Mikaelsen , is life is a circle. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Life occurs in a cycle of events. For an example the main character cole Matthews is a trouble youth