Friday, April 17, 2020

Write Your Own Myth

A myth is a kind of story that is often told to explain the unknown or to teach what is important in a culture. Myths often include non-human characters (like Thunder as a person) or offer explanations for natural occurrences, like the weather, rivers, the sky etc.

Write your own myth to explain something in nature.


  1. Once upon a time there was a family of birds living in a nest and they were talking. Then another bird flew over and started chatting about how talking was so easy and anyone can do it. This is one of the things birds during these times should never do. Take talking for granted. This angered the bird god, so he retaliated. What he did was horrible but it made the birds learn a valuable lesson. Never to mess with the bird god. For they had lost the ability to speak and could only make chirping noises. This is how the bird began to chirp.

  2. Alexander
    The Hash Slinging Slasher! The Hash Slinging Slasher was a young cook who very much enjoyed his job. His co-workers were friendly people and they all enjoyed working with each other. One day his co-workers noticed weird changes in him, like he always wore a hook on his hand all of a sudden. One day when he was walking home from work, he got hit by a bus but for one weird reason they were unable to find his body. Twenty years after all of this his co-workers noticed some strange disturbances. One day they had to work the night shift. They got scared because the phone kept ringing but there was only heavy breathing on the other end. They also saw some red goo oozing down from the vents. This is what really scared them. Finally they saw a bus but they could not see it to great, for it was foggy. They heard a little *rap* *rap* on the door, but they saw it opened by itself despite being locked. Then they saw him, the Hash Slinging Slasher. One of them walked at him with a weapon but then he heard a whisper in his ear “ Behind you.” Sure enough the Slasher was behind him so the co-worker passed out. As for the other one, lets not get into details. This is why you should be cautious about everyone you meet.

  3. Poseidon couldn’t wait for the arrival of his son Perseus. Perseus was a demi-god that would later become an Olympian but that’s ahead of the story. Perseus was born on earth but his powers kicked in immediately. He caused havoc and his city and killed many mortals. Poseidon needed to keep his son occupied but they had nothing to give to him. Hades, seeing this opportunity for death gave Perseus his own toy. It was a top that spun extremely fast and was crafted by Hephetuas. It was so big and powerful it mesmerized Perseus into being occupied. Perseus spun it so fast in caused great storms and circular vortexes. Now, whenever you see a tornado just remember the story of Perseus’s top.

  4. Once, guinea pigs were as big as cows, and had the strong bite of a tiger. They loved to terrorize the other small rodents, stating they were the most powerful, superior rodents. This angered many gods, They decided to shrink the guinea pigs, and takeout there strong teeth, into smaller ones. This is why guinea pigs are small. Now the Capybara is the largest rodent.
