Monday, February 26, 2018

February Break

Write about ONE event from the past week. Be sure to have a topic sentence and use sensory details.


  1. Joakim
    One thing I did over break was play in a basketball game with a lot of family watching. At the game there was 12 family members from my dad's side of the family. At the start of the game coach made me jump center (When the ref throws the ball up and the person who is jumping tries to tip it back to his team), because it would be funny, but surprisingly I actually won. In the first quarter I was on fire I had 9 points by the end of it, including a fade-away 3-pointer. Then later in the game got 4 more points bu=y making 2 layups. I finished the game with 13 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists. When it was over everyone congratulated me on the win. I had fun at the basketball game over break.

  2. On the 18th I went to Disney Land and I went on many fun rides. I went on my favorite rides on Carsland, Bug's life, and other rides. I got a birthday dessert and it tasted so good. It tasted like chocolate fudge.

  3. Jack
    during my February break i went to balboa park in San Diego.
    when we got there we went to the IMAX theater and watched two movies it was lots of fun. afterwords we went to the San Diego flight museum, and we had lots of fun plus there was a flight simulator my and Sam went on it and it was so fun. after this we went to the model train museum and saw lots of cool model trains and learned lots about them, but around six we went home after having a blast.(not done editing)

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  5. Jacqueline
    One event that I did was go to the cemetery for the priest on my dad's side of the family. It was for his 100th day of death. First we went to church and after that ate pastries that my mom ordered. Then we went outside to meet with all my cousins. It was very winding.It felt like a storm was coming but it wasn't. After we met with my cousins we went to the cemetery. We found his gravestone and prayed for him. We stayed there probably for a good 30 minutes. After we prayed we went to my dad's uncle's house to eat more and stay there for maybe 5 to 6 hours. When we got there it was so sunny it felt like getting sun burns everywhere on you arms and legs. In the end this is one event I did over the past week.

  6. On break, my family and i had gone to San Diego. My mom had booked a hotel there and when we got their it was the most beautiful hotel i had ever seen. Instead of just all the rooms stacked up on to each other every room looked like a tiny house. They had a heated pool, two restaurants, boat rentals, bocci ball, surfing, and croquet. But the best part about it was our room was right next to the bay. Because of that, in the morning we walked right next to the water while the sun was rising. Before we had left we had played a game of croquet. We had never played before so it was a fun learning experience. It was pretty fun there so im hoping to go there again someday.

  7. One event that happened from the past week is I went to the movie theater to see a movie.I went with my brother and we ate popcorn it was delicious. The movie was really good too. Me and my brother ate Flame Broiler after the movie I got really full. Then we went home.

  8. During the past break ( last week ) I had went to Disneyland. Every time I go it is just amazing. There is something that Disney has that no other theme park has. I had gone on a couple rides. One of them was guardians of the galaxy. It was really fun. There is many drops that feel like you are going to be flying out of your seat !( Not done )

  9. Carrie
    On a Sunday afternoon my family went to a party and it was super loud.It started at 12:00 and ended at 8:00.The adults were doing karaoke.While us kids were playing games.So it was a pretty loud afternoon.My family had a great time there.

  10. Eli
    I didn't do much during the February break. the only thing that was really special, was being attacked by my baby brother. He looked like he was a animal with rabies. That was about the only thing special this past week.

    1. It all started at my grandmother's house. My parents ditched me to go on a fabulous Vegas vacation. So there I was stuck, left with my baby brother. Nothing else to do, bored out of my mind...napping seemed like the best idea. Just as my eyes began to close, it happened!

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  12. One event i did the past week was i went to Bear Park with Monica.To spend time there we decided to play soccer with our siblings. When we got bored of that we went to played in the playground till we left. We play on how many seconds you wound get threw on the entire playground and the person who got less time would win.

  13. The one event I had was I went to the mountains with my family and there was a place that i could shoot.I to go shoot a gun and with my first try I hit the bottle but it was fun to my family around. not done

  14. One thing i did the past week on break was, I went to visit my
    aunt´s beacause some of my aunts live close to my house
    but some of my Aunts live really far away. My mom wanted to
    go visit her brother, We stayed with my aunts until the end of the day. when we left my aunt said he will come and visit me when he´s not busy.

  15. On Sunday i went to church i love to go to church i love to learn about god.

  16. On sunday afternoon which was yesterday was the day my grandparents,dad, and uncle came. I was so excited to see them all again because I missed them. When they came home me and my mom were already making dinner for when it was dinner time. It was around 5:30 or 6:00 when they came. I was so excited,but not at the same time because, I remembered that I had school the next day and felt sad. It was dinner time and we ate dinner. We finished up and I went upstairs to do homework,but then I heard footsteps. It was my grandma. She came up and gave my a necklace that had a half a heart and I felt happy

  17. Last week, I went to Big Bear with my family for two days. It was very cold there. We drove out of our home in the morning, like at 9 a.m., and we arrived there at about 1 p.m. We were very high, at an elevation of 8000 feet! My ears started to hurt, so I had gum. There was snow there. We stayed at motel next to a tube-sliding park. We went to eat some food and then we came back to sleep. When we woke up the next day, it was snowing very hard. It looked as if it had snowed all night. There was many snow when we went to the tube-sliding park that day. When we arrived there, it had stopped snowing. We slid on the tubes for a few hours, then it started to snow. It got really cold. We left and brought chains so our car won't slide when we were driving. We made it home safe. I had so much fun in Big Bear!

  18. I went to Mexico there is a city called Ezatklan when I first got there it smelled like tacos,because there's lot's of taco places it smells really good.When I got to ezatklan,I went to my grandmas house to sleep over there, she had a cat the cats named was chita so I touched the cats belly and it felt soft.Then my cousins came we went to this place called the guamuchill,its a place with pools,I entered my foot into the pool,and the pool was warm.

  19. Said

    During breaks in school we usually travel and have fun. Even though I didn’t travel, I still had fun. During break I had to go to a basketball game,when we got there I got to see other teams play against each other. Then it was our turn, we started warming up and then the game started I was starting off. I had a little butterflies in my stomach and it felt like I was going to throw up. But we kept playing and trying our best. In the end we won our game and we’re undefeated. I had fun during my break hopefully everyone did too.

  20. the first thing i did was go to my house and then my brother was there so went somewhere and we went to go play fifa and then went to shopping and then go get a new skateboard and then go home again and sleepover

  21. One event did I did was that I went to this horse show called Medieval times. I liked it because it was competitive and there were teams. Also they had food there and it tastes good. The show was about these people on the horses that had to fight the other people. Also the person that wins they will have to fight the boss. That was one event that I went during the break.

  22. Paul
    on Sunday my friends and I went to the movie theaters to watch black panther, we all enjoyed the movie. on Monday I stayed home using my phone all day. Not done

  23. Over break one of the things i did was celebrated my grandma's birthday .It wasn't a BIG party but it was something we invited 3 families counting mine is 4 and with only those 3 families my grandma got over 100 dollars!After we ate cake and ate food everyone left at like 9 or 10pm.At the party there wasn't any kids my age in fact there was only three boys and one girl and they all were younger than me.Although there wasn't much people i could tell my grandma enjoyed it!

  24. David
    On Wednesday I went to the zoo and saw lots of cool animals. I saw a black bear, Lions, hippos and more. I saw a lake full of alligators and I got to feed one. When I left I wanted to go back because it was so fun.
