Friday, November 16, 2018

Roman Aqueducts

Based on what you read about Roman aqueducts, write a short narrative about an ancient Roman showing a newcomer around the city and explaining the aqueducts to him or her. Use text evidence from two sources ("Roman Diary" and "The Genius of Roman Aqueducts") to answer the prompt.


  1. Eva
    My friend gazed at her glass of water. It was a while since he's been in Rome, everything looked different to him.
    ¨Where do you get your water from?¨ he asked. It's so clear ¨ did you notice the pipe carrying the water into my kitchen this morning?¨ I asked. ¨Yes i did where does it come from?¨
    ¨That water comes from the aqueducts, the aqueducts carry water all the way from the top of the mountains and all the way down here.¨ ¨ Sometimes the aqueducts leak and we have a hard time getting water.¨
    ¨You are so lucky to have fresh water come from such a long ways away.¨
    ¨Ya I really like how I always get clean water.¨
    ¨But when the aqueducts flood we have to go the public fountain until there fix and then when its fixed we get our water to come down again and don´t have to go to the public.¨

  2. 11/16/18
    Hi my name Edgarzion and I live in Ancient Rome and one of my friend come from greez and he wants to check the place out.
    Wow Edgarzion what is that said skyzer, those are aqueducts I said they carry the water from the mountain hight up on the hill then come down here to Roam some of the aqueduct are underground and some are up high.
    And did you see the water coming out of my faucet I said. Why yes how does it come to your fusat shyzer said with a excited look.
    And what about the people that are not as wealthy skyzer said concerned. Well they get there water from puplike drinking fountain and did you know that many people live and work near a public fountain.
    Then me and skyzer hear some searemas and saw some water then I realized the underground was leaking. Everybody we need thing to patch this hole up said military captain Josh. I said worried what happened. Captain josh said well Edgarzoin the people that were trying to make a house they didn't look where they were digging, and they broke the aqueducts so we are asking people to bring sturdy stuff so we can put on so it won't leak.
    By the afternoon everybody in town drought something to patch up the whole and later the water was back up and working. Well Edgarzion your home is a great place to be at said skyer I will come again to your home to talk and to have adventures with you Edgarzion. See you skyzer safe travels. And that's how I should my friend ancient Rome and its glorayes.

  3. Aiden
    There was this man called zeus and he went to Rome for a week. The roman who lived there has been there all his life and his name is mathias. Mathias showed zeus around to look at all the houses.Mathias told him that romans built far more complex aqueducts long long before engines were invented and could pump water. Then when they walked by the aqueducts mathias told him a story of the aqueducts.
    About 500 B.C. one bad person he put poison in the water. He killed about 50 people. Every stage of the aqueduct had to be planned to make sure the water was pulled by gravity. When water in the valley was lower than the surrounding countryside engineers, put arcades on the sides of the aqueduct. An Arcade is a thing that puts water in the aqueduct so it can flow. They built the aqueducts underground so they didn’t get poisoned.
    In the story Roman diary there is a brother and sister they are separated because they got traded for slaves. Iliona was trade to tutor a family and she got good treatment. She got new clothes, food, fresh water, and shelter. Her brother apollo he got treated poorly he got no new clothes food and water every now and then.
    One day apollo sent a letter to Iliona and he told her to go to the huts in 2 nights. So she did and she went to see her, and he could not speak until one of the guard said yes. She saved a baby from a building and she got herself and her brother out of slavery.

  4. Thanh
    In day 1 of the month of July I come to Rome. This morning, I go to the kitchen and hear
    “The aqueduct has burst once more!” my mistress exclaim when she came down.
    I wonder,in Mytilini, water always came from a well, never from a spout in the wall. I ask my mistress, she explain that our water here comes from spring four day’s journal away. She said “It’s beautiful, clear water, but to flow here, it crosses deep valleys on high, arched bridges. In other places it flows underground, through tunnels. Because of its length-more than 60,000 paces-the channel is always leaking.”
    Then my master come to the kitchen, he stand next to me and say slowly.
    “This sound is not good, but now we need to use the public fountain until it’s fixed.”
    Now I appreciate it once more for I have to pick up an amphora and join a long line of slaves at the fountain in the street outside.

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