Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wacky Writing Wednesday

Free Write!


  1. 1-29-20

    I am excited about going to Yosemite because it is the best place to experience nature. When my family gets there we go on hikes and have snowball fights. My favorite parts are when we go on walks while it is snowing and go sledding. Yosemite in my opinion it is the best place to spend your time in.

  2. This weekend I am going to play in my ps4 with my friends. I am going to play call of duty modern wafer with my friends. And I am going to play a little bit of fortnite with my cousin. Then after that I am going to go take a nap for 45 minutes. After that I am going back to my ps4 and play some games.Edwin

  3. 1/29/20
    This is my free write. I don't know what to write about so here I am. I want to actually visit la la land. Pew pew www. There must be a lot of candy. Personally i don't like eating a lot of candy. I prefer like chips. ( crunch) just thought of being able to eat in class is so awesome. That would be my version of lala land. Haha. I still don't know what to write about. Whatever pops in my head i type it.

  4. I believe that pigeons are spies. They used to put cameras on pigeons. And they probably still do. Why hasn't anyone seen baby pigeons? Its because they are secret spies. You have to be careful around pigeons, they might be spying on you. But that’s just a theory, a conspiracy theory. But you should still watch out. -Vanessa

  5. By:Luciana
    “The world is ending,” said a man wearing a tin foil hat. “Don’t believe me? See the signs!” “What a weird guy,” said Lou as she and her brother Rey passed the man and were walking to school. Rey thought it was strange too until he saw signs. At school, Rey’s class were somehow talking Area 51 and aliens. At recess, everyone kept chatting about the news saying that diseases and dangerous illnesses were spreading fast.And finally at home, while Rey was flipping the channels, the TV somehow kept saying, “The world will end soon.” Rey couldn’t take it anymore.

  6. Zander and Xavier drove through the empty streets.” I don’t see any survivors,” Xavier said. A month ago, a weird disease spread out across the state, if people were to catch the disease, their skin would turn a ghostly white, and would turn savage. Most people fled to other states, because they were scared io turn into the mindless monsters. Zander and Xaviers car was black, so it blended in with the darkness, so the DSP, ( dangerous, sick, people) would not spot them. “ We should check the city that’s nearby, perhaps there’s some life form there.” requested Xavier, “Mmmm, I don’t know, there could be hordes of the DSP, there were a lot of people living in that city,” said Zander. Xavier knew he won the argument, his friend had a glimpse of hope that there were survivors, they weren’t ready to leave there state. As they drove, they spotted people. “ Slow down!” whispered Xavier, he wasn’t sure wether the people were DSP’s, or actual human beings. The people’s heads turned, they were all ghostly white, a couple of children were in the group of DSP’s, but they were little kids, the older kids were old enough to know how to use weapons, a lot, of weapons. “GO, GO, GO!” The DSP’s started chasing them, and Zander and Xavier drove to the city.

  7. Giselle,
    Once me and my cousins went to six flags. We went on all of the rides and we loved them. Most of the rides made us dizzy. After we went on some of the rides we went back to the car to eat the food that we packed. Then we went back into the park to ride more rides. At the end of the day we got on one more ride and got stuck on that ride.

  8. 1/29/20
    One day a little boy woke up and decided he was going to become a legend, in order to do that he needed to fake it. He decided the best way to make himself a legend was to make the world believe he was a superhero. So he learned to fly, which really means he learned how to make it look like he was flying. He then got a super heavy helicopter which was not so heavy. With his props set he began his plan, he was going to save a falling helicopter by flying up and pushing it up with his super strength, then he took all out all the people and returned them to the ground. This is how he became a legend his name was, Jay.

  9. 1/29/20 Alexis
    P.S. Some of these conspiracy theories are sarcasm.
    1.Can the Coronavirus be cured by Corona?
    2.What if the Coronavirus was made by the government?
    3.Do Hot Pockets cause global warming?
    4.If you live in a house, then does house live in you in a different dimension?
    5.Would a pig eat bacon?
    6.Would a chicken eat an egg?(scrambled or hard boiled)
    7.If WW3 comes, that means that the army will be busy fighting Iran. So does that mean we can raid Area 51?!
    8.What would happen if your last meal request on Death Row was McDonald’s Icecream?

  10. The Corona Virus is something everyone is worried about even though nobody here has it. It’s pretty much impossible to get it here - it originated in China...or that’s what the government would like you to think. There is a possibility that the government created the Corona Virus to cut down the world population numbers. It seems that children are more susceptible to the virus. This means that strong adults may be assigned a partner and told to have one child that is strong enough to withstand the virus. All children who are too frail are swept away, preventing contamination of the future population by weakness. Another alternative is that commonplace birds that have been drugged, trained, and jacked up on steroids will detect any weak conscience and kill it. This, again, would wipe the world clean of the weak and frail. Birds are ideal spies and assassins because they are often overlooked by the casual eye. In addition to this theory, some feathered spies could be entirely mechanical, with cameras and weapons. Maggie

  11. 1/29/20
    Free Write ~ MOTHMAN
    I believe mothman is true because of a show called Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural. The episode actually provides true facts and theories, and some commentary by Shane. They talk about Point Pleasant Virginia’s Mothman. Mothman, despite being a bit scary, is like their town mascot. Mothman is described as 8-10 ft tall with a wingspan of 10+ ft. He is described as having no head, but two blazing red eyes. The thing that convinces me the most is that four teenagers went out there in the forest area, which by the way had some radiation stuff that could have mutated the birds. They were out there in the area when one of them spotted a figure. They realized it was coming at them and tried to drive away in their care, but it kept following at a rapid speed by gliding. They also mentioned how it made sounds like a record being played at a rapid speed. I think if this was fake or made up they would have made it more intimidating. After that, Mothman didnt follow them into the city. They went back to where they saw Mothman to try to confirm what they saw, and when they saw it again they went to the police. Ryan (Who was presenting the case) said that it was good how they went back to try to confirm the case, also presented that if they were doing something possibly illegal they wouldn't go to the police, and their stories wouldn't match up, but they went to the police and their stories matched up perfectly. Another story by one of the trustable locals was that when her daughter was a baby, Mothman tried to grab her baby but she had to wrestle her baby away from Mothman. Whatever Mothman is, whether it's one or multiple birds mutated by radiation, or a cryptid like being, I believe in the Mothman.

  12. Alexander
    My conspiracy theory is that pigeons are spies. I think this because pigeons don't get electrocuted on the power line. I think that the power line is their charging station. Also I think it is weird how I have never seen a baby pigeon. You always see pigeons in popular places because they are spies. The new movie that just came out, ̈Spies in Disguise,̈ is literally about a spy who is a pigeon. In conclusion I think pigeons are spies, but that's just a theory, a conspiracy theory.

  13. I am going to write about free writes. Free writes are sometimes fun if you know what to write about. I usually like free writes but today I don't know what to write about. This free write I am doing is fun I guess since I'm doing a free write about free writes. I don't know what to free write about most of the time so I would do a weird story.

  14. 1/29/19
    Conspiracy theories
    PIGEON ARE SPIES. You know why you never see a baby pigeon. SPIES. You know why they sit on powerlines, CHARGING. And you know why pigeon have a 360-degree view. SPIES. You know why you see pigeons in the most populated cities. SPIES. You know why pigeons only eat scraps of food. DRUG TESTING. You know why Pigeons have red eyes. INFARED VISION. You know why Pigeons look extremely similar to doves, its because they are CLONES. They have microphones in their “stomach”. Pigeons were actually used mainly in the American Revolution to send messages. Scientists are baffled by how they know their way so perfectly. If only they didn’t know their way but the government did. But that’s just a theory, a Conspiracy Theory.


  15. I am exicted about going to pratice today because I can play and hang out with my teammates. We talk about what we did in class and what we liked about our day. We usally do layups and 30,20,10, and 5 for 3 pointer. I always am getting someone saying I look like Cc. I always have fun.-Myah


  16. 1/29/20 Mia
    One thing I might do this weekend is go get ice cream and eat dinner. This weekend my mom said she was going to take me to get dinner and ice cream on either Friday or Saturday. I am excited to go and hang out with my mom because I like spending quality time. me with her. I do not know where we're going to eat or get ice cream but I am excited and happy to go wherever. That is what I am going to do this weekend.
    ~Free Write/Conspiracy Theories~

  17. Free Write
    Conspiracy Theories

    For the past few days I’ve been reading a book called “Tunnels”. In the book “Tunnels” there is a family of four that all don’t do much together besides the boy whose name is Will and his father who spend most of there time digging and looking for any old relics. One the Will’s parents are caught in an argument and the next his father goes missing. Will decides to meet up with a friend of his and go dig just to calm down. When he gets to the tunnel he worked hard on he finds that there has been a tunnel in. When he looked closer he realized that the dirt was not wet enough to cause a natural cave in. That’s where I stopped reading yesterday.
