Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Early Riser or Late Nighter?

What's better, getting up early in the morning or staying up late at night? What are the pros and cons of both? Does the early bird really get the worm?


  1. 3/24/20
    I think that getting up early is better! The pro is that my parents usually wake up around 10:00-11:00. So if i wake up at 8:00 or 9:00, I can have about 1 or 2 hours of extra video game time! Another pro is that I can eat as many Cheerios with milk as I want because I LOVE Cheerios. The con is that I have to be quiet or I might wake them up. And I might still be a little sleepy.
    There aren’t really any pros for staying up late for me because I can’t really do anything if I stay up late. One of the cons is that my parents go to sleep around 10:00-11:00, so I can’t play any video games because I don’t wanna wake them up. The only pro of staying up late is if we have a party. If we have guests over, or have a party, then our parents usually go to sleep late at around 11:00-12:00. So that means we can play our video games and watch Netflix!

  2. I prefer waking up early because it allows me to have time to play video games in the morning instead of immediately thinking about school. Since my parents wake up at like 5:00 AM everyday so I always know that the house will not be empty. These are the pros of being an early riser. The cons of being an early riser are that you always get up early and might feel tired each morning. Also, if you are an early riser it is way colder and because of that I can’t stop shivering until I put on my jacket. These were the cons of being an early riser. Some of the pros about being a late nighter are that some could argue you get more time out of your day. The con is that the next day you have less time because you wake up later and have less time in the day. This is my opinion on being a late nighter and an early riser.


  3. I think getting up early is a better choice because when I wake up early I feel like I have more time out of the day and I don't have school so I don't have to worry about that. The cons is that I have to deal with the cold and that I have to be quiet to not wake anyone up.


  4. Alexander
    I think going to sleep late is better. Some of the pros of going to sleep late are you get to watch tv, play video games, go on your phone, and just have fun. I stay up late until maybe 1:00 in the morning watching tv and I enjoy it. Some of the cons of going to sleep late are you are not well rested and you will wake up tired, groggy, and late. Some of the pros of waking up early are, you will wake up earlier allowing you more time to do what you have to or want to do during the day. Plus, chances are you will not be too tired so it will give you more energy that you will need during the day. The cons are we would usually have to get up early anyway due to school so why not go to sleep late since you have to wake up early anyway.

  5. I think that getting up early in the morning is better then going to bed late because, when you go to bed late most of the time in the morning you are tired and it is hard for you to get ready. But if you wake up early in the you have time to wake up then get ready.

  6. I think that staying up late is way better than getting up in the morning.the pros to my choice is that when I stay up late, My family (mostly adults) play poker, or any other game that includes cards.I play with them for like an hour or more listining to music. I honestly dont sleep much, and if I stay up all night and barely sleep, I always wake up very early the next day. the cons for my choice is that, if we dont play games or something like that, I am in bed trying to sleep, but the problem is that I always have trouble to sleep. when this happens, it can take hours so that I fall asleep.Another con about staying up late is that the majority of the time that i go to sleep late, i always go to sleep at like 12, witch realy doesnt affect me much, but it causes me to have nighmares for a realy strange reason.I do have nightmares when this happens, but at least I had fun since 9pm. i rareky stay up late anymore, but when it happens, i always repare myself to win in poker or 21.

  7. I think being an early riser is better than being a late nighter. When you get up early you can get more things done and if you finish getting ready early you have some free time to yourself. You may even have enough time to have a good breakfast. Getting up early can also help you be more productive through out the day. This is my opinion on being an early riser or a late nighter.

  8. Giselle,
    I prefer staying up late because I can do a lot of my activities that I like to do in my room. The activities that I do at night is organize my room and make some stuff. I usually go to sleep at 12:00 because I get really tired at that time everyday. Those are the pros of being a late nighter. The cons of being a late nighter is you wake up really late and miss most of the day. I usually sleep until 8:30 or 9:30. These are some pros about being an Early Riser. You can get more time of the day to do stuff that you need to do. Some con to being an Early Riser is that it is really cold when you wake up so you have to put on all of your blankets but then you get really hot. These are some pros and cons in my opinion for both.

  9. I think getting up early is better because it feels that you get more time to play outside. I like getting up early because I can play on my ps4 or I like going to go outside. I usually wake up early when my parents work at 5:00. But when My parents dont work I wake up late because They don't let me play very early. And When I play early I can do more stuff like going outside and playing on ps4.Edwin

    1. Hi Edwin! Can you get onto Google Classroom?

  10. I think that getting up early is better, even though I stay up late at night most of the time. Getting up early in the moring is a very difficult thing for me to do because im very lazy and I like to stay in my cozy bed. Eventually, I’ll have to get used to getting up early because I can’t just sleep all day (Even though I want to). -Vanessa

  11. I think that getting up early is better. I always go to sleep late because I am on my phone. The next day I regretted it. I was going to go practice basketball the day after I went to sleep late and when I went I couldn't even shoot the ball. My body was hurting and I did this training thing. The pros for waking up early is having enough energy if you go to sleep early. The cons of this is waking up early, I don't wake up early and if I am cranky. The pros of staying up late is getting to be on your phone, watch tv, and not go to sleep until you tired. The cons of this is not getting enough sleep and you waking up early or late.

  12. i say both are the best because in the morning if you get up elier the food is fresher but you will be very tierd. if you stay up late not as many people are out and about so you could do more stuff if you are up to long you might sleep the whole day and that would suck so in my opinion they are both the same.

  13. By: Luciana Gonzalez
    I think staying up early might be the best choice. I feel this way because if you stay up early, you might have some extra time on your hands to watch TV, read a book, play games on your phone, and so on. Another pro is that if you wake up early you can have alone time and do private personal stuff on your own and not have people bugging you or go into your business. One last positive action of waking up early is that you can eat some yummy snacks while you wait for everyone to wake up. (You could also make breakfast of your choice!) Staying up late can also have some advantages like being able to do more things now then later, or being able to have the ability to play video games or watch TV while you're still awake. But there are some negative actions to staying up during the night. One disadvantage to staying up late is that you will get really tired in the daytime and you will start taking a lot of naps and miss out on things during the day. Another con to staying up in the night is that eyes might get too adjusted to the dark and will start messing up your vision. One last negative action to staying up late is that sleeping in the day and staying up at night might start getting your brain so confused and worried that it might think that this is its permanent schedule. This will start to affect you in many ways. That is why I feel that waking up early is better than staying up all night.

  14. I believe that the early riser is best because you have more time to yourself, because most people are usually sleeping. You can also see your favorite TV and nobody would bother you. though it could affect your sleep. You have more time to be active, or study. You could complete chores or other things, then relax the rest of the day. It would help to get to get to school on time too. These are all the pros I could think of. Now for the cons. It wouldn't feel good if you were nice and cozy, while it's raining outside, then get out in the cold rain to get food or supplies. You could also kind of feel sleepy throughout the day. By Isaac


  15. I prefer being an early waker. If you're not awake in the early morning you miss out on so much opportunity. My parents are late sleepers and they miss out on the three more hours in the morning. I can eat all types of food I want. I have so much freedom in the morning. Secondly, many studies have shown that people who are early to rise to tend to have better mental health. You feel less groggy and more awake when you wake up early I know this from past experience but you do have the freedom of having extra hours at the end of the day. The pros of getting early include having time by yourself, better mental health, being early to your job or school. The cons of waking up early are possibly getting less sleep and not getting to stay up late but also it tends to be colder in the mornings in California and I prefer not to be walking around the house feeling like an iceblock. When you wake up late and go to sleep late the pros are that your day is warmer when you get up so you don’t have to walk around all rigid. You can also have more time for homework ( like me) and watch Netflix cozily under a blanket but you have terrible mental health and are late to early morning travels. Preferably I enjoy waking up early instead of going to sleep late.
